Carousel: July Is Almost Over… !
I have to admit I was shocked when I looked at my editorial calendar yesterday and saw that it was already time to do my monthly link round-up! How has your July been treating you?
Here are some of the best things I’ve read, watched and listened to over the past month. I hope you enjoy ’em!
Kirstie Clements, ex-editor at Vogue Australia, tells all!
Overwhelm us with joy! YES please!
Kids dressed as characters from Moonrise Kingdom. I am so not into cutesy kid stuff, but this is beyond adorable.
Rita J King is pretty fascinating, and her “how I work” story inspires me to do bigger things.
What’s in Prince’s fridge?! (This is real!)
I loved Laurie Penny’s piece on being a manic pixie dream girl.
Zoe tells us how to deal with a whopping big (under the surface) pimple. Bookmark that one!
In case you were wondering, here’s why working for a modern print publication is awful.
If you’d like to give meditation a crack, Oprah and Deepak Chopra are holding a free course!
I loved what Shauna had to say about trying a cleanse!
This is for you if you have trouble telling someone how to sex you up.
Goosebumps for Grown-Ups. Ahahaha.
Ever wonder why Etsy and crafting is experiencing such a major resurgence? Emily Matchar wrote a book on the allure of the new domesticity, and this interview with her is fascinating.
In her new book, Homeward Bound: Why Women Are Embracing the New Domesticity, Matchar examines the DIY trend in a variety of manifestations—Etsy culture, “mommy” blogs, backyard chickens, from-scratch cooking—and sees a retreat to domesticity at the heart of it all. Homesteading, homeschooling, homemaking—home, home, home. The promise of the New Domesticity is that by circling our wagons and “doing it ourselves,” we can compensate for the lack of stability and work-life balance in the workforce and the failure of the government to ensure safe food, high-quality education, and sustainable environmental practices—all while making cool stuff! Moreover, Matchar is troubled by the way that this trend affects women economically, encouraging them to give up financial independence while breathing new life into old ideas about what women’s work should look like.
So you want to write a book? Wanting is not nearly enough.
More doing, less promoting: the key to creating great work. Go Paul! I love this: “Promotion is necessary, but for the most part, it feels like I’m looking backward at what I’ve already made. I’d rather be looking forward, at what I’ve yet to create.” That’s how I felt about blog comments!
On Wednesday, I co-hosted Hay House Radio with Gabrielle Bernstein. If you missed it, listen to the archived episode! (We had sooooo much fun, I can’t wait to do it again soon!)
Rape Joke: a poem by Patricia Lockwood.
James Altucher tells you how to self-publish a bestseller.
Skin And Sleep Have A Closer Tie Than You May Think…
So, apparently Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey aren’t friends. Lana wrote a mean song about her… And, of course, it leaked.
Bill Murray reading poetry. Sometimes, it’s exactly what you need.
10 of the most counterintuitive pieces of advice from famous entrepreneurs.
Ben and Jerry’s knows your personality based on your favourite ice cream flavour. Mine? If your favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, you’re more likely to be ambitious, competitive and a visionary. Sure. I’ll take that.
This Tumblr Will Ruin Your Favorite Childhood Books And It’s Amazing. No, really, it’s amazing.
Books are selling better than ever… So why are publishers so scared?
VSCO Cam is a great iPhone app for editing photos… But there’s a bit of a learning curve. This is a great guide.
Here’s how to make your whole publicity plan feel like a guilty pleasure!
Texas has kept a record of death row inmates’ last words.
Want some new music? Check out Bend But Don’t Break by Blueprint and Illogic!
Bicycle helmets can be fashion statements…
I just stopped drinking coffee, so I’m fascinated by this study on how caffeine might cramp creativity because it inhibits the two main characteristics of creative thinking: unconscious processing, or what T. S. Eliot called idea incubation, and connecting the seemingly unconnected.
When Smart Homes Get Hacked: I Haunted A Complete Stranger’s House Via The Internet. Erm, wow!
I loved this interview with Gabby!
Stop competing with other women… And kick your own ass, instead!
Have a great weekend,