Carousel: Moving To New York, Toxin-Free Cosmetics & Free Tarot Readings!

Can you believe it’s already June? I mean… The year is halfway over! WHERE DID IT GO? My goals have been kicked into hyper-over-drive! …But not just yet. First, let’s look at some LINKS!
Sarah Wilson killed it this week! The scary truth behind my cosmetics… and why I’ve ditched foundation led to a piece on toxin-free cosmetics, & then she got a colour consultation which includes the best colour of underpants to wear! Come on, haven’t you always wanted to know?!
If you’re craving a getaway, this… won’t help. The World’s Best Yoga Spots!
Homemade coconut oil deodorant… I want to try this. Really. Seems like everyone has been talking about evil cosmetics all week — check out Tamera’s beauty post — & now I’m into the idea of detoxing from deodorants with aluminium in ’em. I used to use Aromarant by Lush & it was GREAT! Maybe it’s time to pick up another piece.
Literary love letters to NYC. Too cute.
So, you wanna move to New York huh? An appropriate follow-up to the last link! Shilo lets you know how to do it.
I find these to do lists extremely satisfying.
Dumbo (a neighbourhood in NYC) clearly wants to attract bloggers. The whole place now has free wifi. That is BRILLIANT!
Check out the lovely Veronica Varlow in this episode of MTV’s Made.
The World According To Paris is my new favourite TV show… & I knew it would be. If you don’t have cable (comme moi), you can watch it on Hulu.
I don’t think I’ve linked to it before, but Women Of Playboy (which is clearly not safe for work) is great. It’s mostly archive pictures, which I love, because in the good old days, there was much more variety among the kind of women they featured.
It’s true: you really do need a Clarisonic. But I can tell you from experience that the SensEpil is not worth the money! Plus, it is scary to use, just like electrocuting yourself over & over! Ergh.
The Bird as Symbol in Current Culture. So very.
Free tarot readings! Do it!
These raw chocolate coconut bars sound amazing, & not at all difficult to make… Weekend project?!
I love what Nubby did for Rock N Roll Bride’s media kit! Very cute.
Kris Carr writes about how to be a bargainista… aka, how to eat healthy & organic without breaking the bank! She has great tips for those of us whose eyes go all goggly at the sight of organic veggie prices!
Double the Kris, double the pleasure! This time, Kris Atomic has a beautiful illustration of what is surely the best white dress ever. Sublime-o-rama.
…Alright, I’m out! Enjoy your weekend. Get some sunshine. Brush your teeth!