Carousel: Post-Birthday Bliss!

Thank you so much to everyone for absolutely TURNING IT OUT for my birthday! You are all so sweet to me & I appreciate it so much. I also want to wish a huge happy birthday to everyone who shares my date of September 13th! (There are so many of us!)
By the way, did you know that today is Nubby’s birthday?! Go wish her a lovely day!
Let’s start with MY writing in other places! First up, xoJane… Chill Out, Bitch #1: Get A Super-Cheap Massage, Fantastic Face: Theo Kogan of Lunachicks, This Book Gave Me A Style Crisis! You Should Read It, I Want Kandee! & I Am 29 Years Old, So Here Are 29 Of My Most Adored Beauty Products.
I also wrote a new column for the Sydney Morning Herald: What do you do when your dream job becomes a nightmare?
Don’t you want to sleep on the Bolivian salt flats in an Airstream trailer?! I do!
This is why Michelle Obama wearing Tracy Reese during the Democratic National Convention is important.
If you’re an Andy Warhol enthusiast, you should know that Campbell’s Soup has reissued some Warhol cans! (You can buy them at Target.)
Alex wrote about how to get pumped about your work again (when you’re really not feelin’ it).
I really enjoyed Karley’s love is pain video. (It’s not safe for work!)
Would you like to learn some tips for makeup for photographs?
What’s your Instagram horoscope? Hahah!
I loved this story about a dad wearing a dress in solidarity with his son.
Don’t tell anyone, but I have Burning Man fever. (I am this close to talking Kat, Nubby & Lisa into going with me next year!) Here are some great photos of this year’s event from Flickr & the Huffington Post.
This piece by Brother Ali on homophobia in hip-hop is brilliant. I mean, the line below, alone, is just so good.
“I tossed it around with the reckless abandon of a young man lacking the empathetic sensitivity that only manifests through life-altering interactions and experiences.”
Would you buy a spiritually-charged sex toy?
I met Mandy Stadtmiller yesterday & she is pretty incredible. She’s been writing some excellent pieces on how to hustle & network with famous/powerful/wealthy people, which you should read: 1, 2, 3. I feel the need to re-read them all multiple times.
Sarah wrote about how Icelanders are kooky. It’s true! Iceland is such an odd place!
Some guy called Brad live-tweeted his acid trip & it made me laugh.
How do you feel about the soda ban in NYC? The whole thing is so weird. Kristin wrote about it.
Is there beauty in sobriety? I love this girl’s writing.
I’m not usually crazy about Scandinavian design but this house is truly gorgeous.
Nick Knight shot an entire editorial using Instagram! AHHH.
This probably shouldn’t be news, but it is. Read up, bloggers!
Here’s a list of 50 reasons not to kill yourself.
These social media theories make me laugh!
Tumblr is for gathering photos of the self you’ll be when you grow up. Pinterest is for gathering photos of the self you’ll be when you get the money.
On that note, Bri wrote a great piece about how she uses social media to supplement her blog.
Mandy wrote about my birthday at the xoJane office… It was our first time meeting, & she described me very sweetly:
She is very pretty and wears perfect make-up and her lips are super pink and her tattoos are really neat and she is like a walking living color pallette.
Also, everyone sang me happy birthday. I squirmed. You can actually watch me squirm!