Carousel: Thought Experiments, Letter Magic, And The Opposite Of Schadenfreude!

Hello gorgeous! I hope your holidays are giving you the break you deserve! I’m so thrilled because my babe Helen is here from New Zealand, and we are getting our Christmas on, NYC style. It’s the best!

If you’re stuck inside with plenty of free time — which is kind of what holidays are all about, right? — then I hope this big ol’ list of links will keep you entertained!

Ever wanted have your own kingdom? So obsessed. You can become a Baroness of Sealand for $29.95!

David Blaine interviewed Madonna and it’s pretty damn good.

Are gadget-free bedrooms the secret to a happy relationship? (Maybe!)

On Robin Williams and why funny people kill themselves.

Benedict Cumberbatch on productivity and delegation.

Chris Rock gave an incredible interview about race — and comedy — in America.

“To say Obama is progress is saying that he’s the first black person that is qualified to be president. That’s not black progress. That’s white progress. There’s been black people qualified to be president for hundreds of years.”

Sweet Sarah wrote about her experience at my Radical Self Love Ritual in Melbourne.

Try out a little thought experiment.

Some photos from malls across America in the 80’s.

LOVE THIS: try a little letter magic.

Victoria’s real secret? It makes the Miss World pageant seem a bit upmarket.

Everything for which the media criticises fashion shows – the veneration of skinniness, the reduction of women to their physical appearance, the pointless expenditure, the power of advertising, the racism – is encapsulated by the Victoria’s Secret show. And yet no show is covered as extensively and as adoringly as this annual advertisement for an overhyped lingerie brand.

Did you know that you can train your eyes not to need glasses? Definitely a good thing to add to the list for 2015!

I loved Cara’s post about feeling insecure, especially as it relates to social media… As well as how she gets through it.

If you’re prone to anorexia, watch out for negative energy balances.

Got a whooooole lot of art you want to frame up? Don’t miss Emily’s guide to hanging a good gallery wall.

Baby, it’s cold outside, so what better time to be creative inside? Veronica’s made a guide to making your own zine… And I encourage you to do so!

Leonie’s 2015 workbook is really, really sexy. I need one!

So, there’s this secret ballroom under a lake…

The days and nights of an NBA groupie. Interesting stuff!

Travel as therapy: an introduction.

7 things that happened when I quit my fancy internet life and went to work at a coffee shop. This is awesome, inspiring, and I totally get it.

Kelly’s post about the sublime Casa Claridge has me hankering for a trip to Miami.

Aahahaha. 10 surprisingly effective 2pm pick-me-ups. Yes. Click it. Dooooooo eeet.

Million Things To Do? Prioritize by ROI. (And Then Get a Life.) This is smart.

There’s beauty in family flaws.

Goop curated some good movies to watch on Netflix.

10 signs you’re a bad witch. I love this.

How do you feel about the slow blogging trend?

Beyonce and Nicki released a new song about masturbation, so of course, it’s rad.

Let’s talk about raw power, witchcraft, and female sexuality.

The opposite of schadenfreude is mudita. YES! Strive to feel mudita on the regular!

Show your lover the same reverence you show your altar. So beautiful.

Fuck the elevator speech.

Here are 2 things you need to know to change the entire course of your day. Amen!

I’ll ride with you was a beautiful reaction to a horrible thing.

9 Totally Normal And Not Gross Things That Happen During Sex We Promise It’s Normal, written primarily for girl/girl sex, but really, relevant to everyone.

Did I link to this before? I’m not sure. Either way, it is funny as hell: 27 Men Who Were Defeated By Shopping.

Amanda Palmer: the most hated woman on the internet.

The fact of the matter is, a woman in her mid-thirties wrote, performed and released an album that was musically relevant and probably her best work to date; we responded by talking about her body, her personality and who she was sleeping with. We called her too loud, too self-assured, too ambitious. We wondered why she couldn’t simply live off her rich husband’s income, as if that isn’t a question that feminism has been in the process of answering for the past five decades. We affirmed that the artist’s persona mattered more than the quality of their work, and we affirmed that female ambition or self-confidence was a crime: That if you were a loud or aging or difficult woman, and you wouldn’t let us ignore you, we would turn our attention on you full-force, in order to burn your life down to its foundation.

Here’s what happens to our brains when we exercise, and information on how it makes us happier. There are also a lot of tips on how to get started with regular exercise!

Meditating can change your DNA!

Here are 5 reasons why you are not having vaginal orgasms. How important is chemistry? And here’s why masturbation makes you a better person. How did I just discover Kim Anami?! She is amazing!

Rejuvenate your ladybits with Secret Ceres!

Then & Now: The Rolling Stones’ French Villa of Debauchery. Pretty cool. I love old photos from the 1970s…

Against Domesticity, or why Randa will never live with a partner again.

47 Times Australians Totally Nailed It On Tumblr In 2014. Pretty damn funny…



Halloween impressions with Kevin Spacey. Damn, he’s good!



Become a junior vampire of America!



What if fear were just a feeling? Terri Cole at TEDxHoboken



Yes, Yonce, yes!

I loved this little video about Tiffany Pratt, doin’ what she does so well!



New favourite song.

Title image by Jennifer Mehigan.