Carousel — Week Ending 11th April 2008
Hot Gay Sex Is For Homophobes & WTF Is Feminist Porn?, Violet Blue’s most recent columns in the SF Chronicle.
The Positivity Blog is my new favourite place online! I especially like 16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School, Picasso’s Top 7 Tips for Creating an Exciting Life, Do You Make These 10 Mistakes In A Conversation? & 18 Ways To Improve Your Body Language. Awesome ++.
12 Rules for Getting a Grip on Massive ProBlogger Email by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. Great tips for anyone who receives a lot of email, like, uh… me! Here’s what Darren Rowse did to get in control of his email: From 10000 to 0 Emails in an Inbox in 24 Hours.
An amazing photoshoot based on Maggie Gyllenhaal’s role in Secretary. Thanks, Julia!
Savvy Strategies for Seven Shopping Problems. Merci beaucoup, Carleen Bean!
This week I have been a panelist in the E-Festival Of Ideas’ panel The Creative Entrepreneur’s Toolkit: A How-to Guide for Young Artists. If you click the link, you’ll see what we’ve been discussing — it’s pretty interesting, if I do say so myself!
Laura Laine does lovely fashion illustrations. I featured a couple of her illustrations in my Things I Love Thursday mosaic yesterday! (More here!)
John-Paul Pietrus did a fabulous Egyptian-themed shoot. Queen Nefertari Museum? I would so love to go there! (& I featured two of his photos yesterday, too!)
A beautiful day planner for April which you can print from the Epinettes community on Livejournal. So cute.
6 Ways That Bloggers Are Like Rappers from Copyblogger. Okay, well I thought it was funny!
Overheard In New York for life!
prim. is a new online magazine. It was a collaborative effort & everyone involved in putting it together was aged between 15 & 19, & I’m pretty impressed! Have a look!
I love Winona so much! It should be illegal to be that hilarious. Swoon!
Top 50 Sex Myths from The Daily Bedpost.
10 Things Karl Lagerfeld Could Do Without from Jezebel. Yes, this feaure makes him look like a pretentious, insensitive miserymonger. I still love him! (& he’s going to be in the newest Grand Theft Auto, too. What a strange world we live in.)
Lies I’ve Told My 3 Year Old Recently by Raul Gutierrez. I like this.
Swissmiss has discovered ink-jet tattoo paper! How unbelievably awesome & tempting is that?!
Photographs by Jennifer Tzar. (NSFW.) I love the girl dressed as a Native American (even though it looks kind of like Lily Cole, who I normally don’t like), the girl with an eye-patch & the girl lying on the ground in a military jacket. Sauce central!
On the hunt for a fun, colourful dress to wear this summer? Shrinkle‘s your girl! She just put up a whole lot of new designs.
Similarly, are you on the look-out for some interesting art to adorn your walls? Check out these prints from The Stuntkid (aka Jason Levesque).
That’s all I’ve got for now!