Carousel — Week Ending 19th January 2007
I’m sorry this is so late, I was in the suburbs (the horror!) reviewing a service which will be featured on here very soon! It’s also a small list — as I write & learn more about fashion, I find less & less information online that is relevant, timeless or valuable. Please send me links to anything you find that you think other people would benefit from!
Peter features again (as he did last week) with a post on Inspired Male Style. It’s great to see his perspective, as he is a very stylish man himself. I have been meaning to do a post on characters who inspire me for a while, but unfortunately I watch so few movies that I don’t know whether I could do the concept any justice!
Spring 2008 Forecast from Almost Girl. If you want to know where fashion is heading, you should read this. I found it really interesting, it looks like trends might finally be heading into that “space age” look we’ve been promised for such a long time. The article contains such choice phrases as, “pushing imaginative envelope with new visions of Futurism” (made my heart skip a beat with excitement!), “technology replaces design as reason to buy” & “futuristic fabrics: metallic/reflective/reactive”. How good does that sound?! Hand me my space gun.
I skimmed the thousands of updates on the fashion at the Golden Globes with very little interest, but I am miffed that Cameron Diaz was so harshly derided. I thought her dress was by far the most interesting of the bunch, & even though I don’t care much for her, the new dark locks are beautiful.
Beauty Snob has just started up in the last few days or so. Realistic reviews in an easy-to-read style. Good work ladies!
& finally, another article for men! Sneakers for Starters is your introduction to the world of pseudo-athletic footwear. Here’s how to tell a “good-ugly” from a “bad-ugly”, learn your classics & where to begin if you’re interested in collecting.