Carousel — Week Ending 24th July 2009
It’s Friday!
It’s Friday!
Let’s celebrate!
It’s Friday!
That was my Friday song… Hope you liked it! As always, on Friday, I round up the funniest, weirdest, cutest & most delicious things on the neenernet for your cerebral pleasure. This week is no exception. Take a seat, grab some fairy floss & blow kisses to passersby as you take a trip on the Carousel!
Et voilà!
I wrote this piece on the Dr. Marten Revolution for ChinaShop! It’s all about the resurgence of the iconic boot & it was very fun to write, which I think came through!
What exactly is Robert Smith trying to promote? I love you Boner Party, especially because you called Myspace the Detroit of the internet.
Free music? Yes please. The Los Angeles Leakers & Murs Present: Damn, It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta (Mixtape). I have been listening to this almost non-stop since I got it.
The Steve Martin Method: A Master Comedian’s Advice for Becoming Famous. Mostly it boils down to, “Be so good they can’t ignore you”.
The Dream Walking Society is all beautiful pictures all the time.
I love this song. BIG! (& you can download it here, Skream released it for free.)
I love this style interview with Kate Lanphear.
“I have zero control. I couldn’t pay my rent this summer because I had to have the Balenciaga gladiators in every color available.”
Foreign Policy: Jay-Z Schools Us In U.S. Hegemony from NPR. So good.
Did I link to this before? Ludacris is on Twitter, & in between quotes from Maya Angelou (“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”) & Ralph Waldo Emerson (“Always do what you are afraid to do”), he’s asking battle of the sexes questions — & retweeting the funniest/best answers — to promote his new album. Definitely worth following.
Other fun people to follow: Russell Simmons (), Tila Tequila, Deepak Chopra & Reverend Run.
Rachel Hills is a smart cookie. You should subscribe to her RSS feed so you don’t miss out on gems like Are women’s magazines really that bad? & Is Sex Without Condoms The New Engagement Ring? Yow!
If you’re in New York in September — & you should be, to take full advantage of the Virgo extravaganza (yes, Nubby & I will be having another party!) — Warp Records are having a birthday party too, featuring Battles, !!!, Prefuse 73, Pivot, Clark & Hudson Mohawke. Radvegas.
Clint Mansell, my favourite film composer (I think I like him more than Yann Tiersen & Philip Glass even though they are both way up there) gave an interview to Mojo which is really interesting.
Emily linked me to this Non-Tourist Tour of New York via photographs. Cool!
I still love Mystic Medusa. Where else can you find gems like this?
“Creation is a drug I can’t do without” said film director Cecil B. De-Mille. His 1923 epic film The Ten Commandments went so over budget that studio heads sent him telegrams saying “You have lost your mind. Cease filming and return to Hollywood at once.” DeMille continued to build his city of the Pharoahs on a Californian beach.
Okay, that’ll do for now… !