Carousel: Week Ending 2nd July 2010

83 year old yogi goes 70 years without water or food

8 Habits of Highly Excellent Bloggers. Yep, all true!

Hold tight for amazing deals on vintage clothing! There’s 50% off EVERYTHING at my favourite vintage clothing store, Violetville Vintage! It lasts until the end of the day on July 4th. No limits, everything is on sale! Use the coupon code JULY450 to apply the discount. Additionally, at Violetville on eBay, they are entertaining “best offers” all weekend on all items. WORD UP. Go buy yourself something fabulous!

This family (Keri, Josh, Leni & Leo) is so adorable. I love the mix of video & photos — it’s a great, modern way of doing a family portrait. Thanks to Tricia for the link!

If you’re in New York for the next couple of weeks & don’t have any plans, you should go & see Dark Dark Dark. I saw them play in Austin in March & they blew me away — they’re seriously, seriously good. On Wednesday, they’re playing a live score to a film being screened on a rooftop! You should definitely go. You can also download their new single, Daydreaming.

Saturday, July 3rd – New York, NY – Rockwood Music Hall, Stage 2 (with Gemma Ray)
Wednesday, July 7th – Long Island City, NY – Socrates Sculpture Garden (Rooftop Films screening of FLOOD TIDE with Dark Dark Dark performing a live score) (free show)

Did you know that Madonna’s daughter, Lourdes, is blogging? Material Girl Collection is where it’s at, & she linked to me! What a sweetie. Thanks Lourdes, enjoy your blogging adventures!

Oh my god, this house is absolutely perfect. In the Catskills, Comfort in a Gingerbread House.

“The only thing holding me together was Todd’s love, and his love of food and feeding me, and his love of flowers. Every single day I come here, there are flowers. A whole path of rose petals leading to a bath full of rose petals and candles. He’s a magical man, despite his flaws.”

Global Poetry System: Find It, Map It, Share It. Awesome!

If you’re thinking of getting a tattoo, try Stray Tats first — they’re temporary tattoos you design yourself! (Excellent idea.)

I was EATEN ALIVE by mosquitoes the other day. Sad trombone! If you are also a mosquito buffet, here are over 40 mosquito bite itch relief tips. (I used tea tree oil on mine & they are all gone!)

Musings on ethical porn and the red herrings of “feminist porn” and “violent porn”. P.S. This page is NOT safe for work!

When we get lazy and use the word “feminist” as an all-purpose stand-in for “ethical”, we create a false dichotomy by inferring all porn not marketed specifically as “feminist” is not produced ethically. This helps our enemies fracture us, and it hardly fosters productive dialog about the real politics and ethics of porn production. If we want to have open discussions about labor and production issues – rather than endlessly rebutting baseless accusations that watching porn turns men into rapists – we need to drop the loaded terminology and use proper descriptive words.

Did you know that parasites carried by cats can actually alter your personality? AMAZING!

The Psychology of Fag Hags by Violet Blue.

Luxirare made an incredible iPad bag. I don’t even like the iPad but this bag makes me reconsider!

Little Edie Beale’s diary to be published! No kidding…

I have a lot of love for Seth Godin. I saw him speak a while ago, & he was brilliant. He’s going on the road soon, & speaking in Washington DC, Minneapolis & Chicago. If you’re in any of those cities & you want to learn from a very smart, very real man, you should go see him. In the interim, read these! 16 questions for free agents; Do you have the right to be heard?; Slick; Amplifying the lizard brain; Hope & the magic lottery; Lula’s logic (bonus, mentions a friend of mine!); Cheating the clock; Validation is overrated.

Filofax Revamp inspired by Gala Darling from Plannerisms! Thanks girl!

Ask Chris: What Makes a Good Stylist? I love his response! I think it is applicable to everyone!

This selection of beautiful carousel photography could not be more appropriate, huh?

Want to help a nonpareil with her education? Well, isn’t that nice! Click here & take her survey. I did! It doesn’t take long & it will really help her out.

My study will explore the association between impulsivity, infidelity, and attitudes in romantic dating relationships. It is an aim of the study to elucidate potential reasons for this variation in attitudes and behaviour. In particular, the focus of the study will be what role impulsivity plays in sexual relationships outside of the primary relationship, therefore, the implications of the research may be applied to couple therapy, particularly in understanding relationship breakdown due to infidelity.

Love & Dating Tips From Venus In Leo. My Venus is in Leo. This post just about sums me up!

This is why I’ll never be an adult.

Crazy Horses makes me want to be in a gang. Hahah.

Five Creative Ways to Survive a New York City Summer & The L Train: New York’s Sexiest, Most Romantic Pick-Up Spot. Great comments:

Sigh. This just doesn’t work anywhere else. “Suburban PA, you were driving a Mercedes sedan and screaming at the guy who cut you off. Me: small, gray Volvo, short dark hair, hate this place. I liked the way the vein in your forhead stood out, it made me think of a short marriage, eventual widowhood, and living off of your life insurance somewhere else. Call me. We’ll go to P.F. Chang’s and have trademarked drinks.”

Coilhouse 5 is now on sale! It has gold foil on the cover (sexy!), & features all your favourite miscreants, including Neil Gaiman, Amanda Palmer, Wil Wheaton, Zoë Keating & Clive Barker. There’s also a rad SHOE story which features Nubby, Zoetica & myself! Order your copy now! Coilhouse is my favourite magazine. It never, ever disappoints.

Five ways to increase your hustle by 10. I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man!

How to reduce your email checking to once a day. Man, I need to start doing this.

Anthropologie’s new catalogue is lovely. The interiors! Drool.

Multibasing: What Is Home For People Who Travel Around A Lot?

I love Bookshelf Porn. Sexy.

One reason why humans are special and unique: We masturbate. A lot.

In one study with 141 married women, the most frequently reported fantasies included “being overpowered or forced to surrender,” and “pretending I am doing something wicked or forbidden.” Another study with 3,030 women revealed that “sex with a celebrity ,” “seducing a younger man or boy,” and “sex with an older man” were some of the more common themes. Men’s fantasies contain more visual and explicit anatomical detail (remember the giant, pulsating penis from Lukianowicz’s study?) whereas women’s involve more story line, emotions, affection, commitment and romance. Gay men’s sexual fantasies often include, among other things, “idyllic sexual encounters with unknown men,” “observing group sexual activity,” and here’s a shocker: images of penises and buttocks. According to one study, the top five lesbian fantasies are “forced sexual encounter,” “idyllic encounter with established partner,” “sexual encounters with men,” “recall of past gratifying sexual encounters,” and—ouch!—“sadistic imagery directed toward genitals of both men and women.”

Some of the best articles from Domino magazine are now archived on Kind of a weird match, but let’s just go with it!

This article, for example, on how to control your clutter is A+.

Sarah Wilson forever! Is this why you blog/tweet? Actually, why do you blog/tweet? Stuff I’m not paid to endorse: oils I use. I am bewildered, & I am mad.

The 10 Most Important Things They Didn’t Teach You In School.

“…But You Don’t Even Look Sick!” is the blog of a girl called Lauren who wears a pacemaker. My rad friend Eden emailed me, saying,

anyway, what she is doing right now is an artistic kind of fund raiser, where you color in a picture of a heart and send to her. so there is no money involved! you are just donating an image of a beautiful heart you’ve colored in to send to her and keep her motivated & thinking positive.

I can’t think of a better weekend project. Do it!

My friends at sent me this video & said I could share it with whoever I wanted! They have started a fun new service where they will give you your love & lust report as it corresponds to your birthday! This video is freakishly true for me (& anyone else who has a September 13th birthday!). I love it!

Melbourne’s first flash mob snow fight!