Carousel — Week Ending 30th January 2009
Thanks & Have Fun Running the Country is a book of children’s letters to Obama. It sounds amazing, the quotes cute me out like no other! Click! Read! Smile! Enjoy! Then buy one!
Natalia Rose’s blog is excellent, & I especially like this piece on The Necessity of Winter. Girl can write!
An interview with Leith Clark of Lula magazine, from The Guardian.
Nubby brought back her mouth with pill shirts! You’d look good in one! Also… I knew I married her for a reason.
Keely has introduced a new feature on Good Prattle, called The List! Find out what it is & how you can get involved! Instant fame, yes!
These shoes are mad cute.
ABC Adventures is TOTALLY AWESOME. Go there NOW! Elizabeth says,
“My friend Brian and I were hanging out one night and found ourselves rather bored. We thought to ourselves “hmm, how delightful would it be if we had a book of adventures for when we are bored?” The answer: EXTREMELY DELIGHTFUL. The idea then was to create a book of adventures, categorized according to letter, so that when bored you’d be able to pick a letter, and the book would be able to suggest at least one adventure.”
An oldie but a goodie — a day in the life of Dhrumil Purohit.
What Do Women Want? Discovering What Ignites Female Desire from the New York Times.
I would look cooler if I were riding a unicorn. Now that’s a good shirt. I am also kind of fond of life is like a box of terrible analogies & now panic & freak out.
Taking it to the sweet! & 1000 love letters. SO GOOD. The guy that runs this site is totally my new best friend.
I like Debauchette a whole lot, especially for what she wrote about the new American Apparel ads here, which I linked to ages ago but which is totally worth quoting:
“But more than that, I like the candor. I’m a little tired of the coy push-and-pull that we teach young women, as if they should play up their sexuality but ultimately recoil from sexual activity, resulting in our classically conflicted nympho-puritanical views: we’re sex-saturated (advertising, porn) yet we’re also sex-avoidant (MPAA, morality laws). If we’re talking about depictions of women, I want to see more of this, of women looking you in the eye and fucking owning their sex. I want to see more women like Sasha Grey and Charlotte Stokely.”
Hell YES.
I like Susannah Breslin’s Reverse Cowgirl very much too.
Deanne is SO AMAZING! She made this tutorial — & video — because I was like, “Deaaaaaaaane, I have a hoop, what do I do with it?!” So I present to you, So You Got Yourself A Hoop. Now What?
Georgie emailed me about Shoebox who are having a massive sale. If you want those strappy platforms I bought a while ago, they have them on special for $50!
I am not a huge fan of whingeing in general — I always think it’s better to take action than complain. But if you must have a whinge, at least do it in an interesting way. (& preferably in another language!) Like these people…
I found this via Sera Beak, yes, I luh-luh-love her. Prada takes an ancient text about the divine feminine — The Thunder, Perfect Mind — & spins it into an advertising campaign, & as dirty as that sounds, it’s actually amazing.
That’s all for today! Have a magnificent weekend, remember to prep yo’ fine self for the iCiNG Transformation Challenge — it kicks off on Sunday!