Carousel — Week Ending 31st October 2008
Happy hallowe’enie! & sorry for no Things I Love Thursday yesterday. It was a day laden with technical difficulties! Hopefully this enormous collection of links will make up for it!
How To Do What You Love by Paul Graham.
“I think the best test is one Gino Lee taught me: to try to do things that would make your friends say wow.”
Got moustache? I would kill for a Dali moustache pencil, honestly.
Expanded Beard Type Chart. “What’s with all the facial hair links, Gala? Trying to tell us something?!” Naw. It’s just cute!
How Do You Change Somebody Else? from The Discomfort Zone. It’s perfect for anyone who wants their husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/best friend/parents to be something they’re not, which happens a lot. It was written by my friend Tim Brownson. He’s a life coach — I’ve actually been doing some work with him — & he’s great. So read it!
The DO Lectures: Timothy Ferriss — How and Why to Be Unreasonable. I like him. I also liked this interview with him by Leo Babauta — Publishing 2.0: Tim Ferriss on Using a Viral Idea to Create a Best-seller.
How to Improve Your Relationships: 7 Awesome Tips from the Last 1900 Years from the Positivity Blog.
Cary Tennis continues to be wonderful. He’s ramping up the pressure but I don’t want to commit.
“Imagine being an independent, self-sufficient woman with a number of relationships whose intensity and duration are negotiated according to the shifting needs and circumstances of the individuals involved. What’s wrong with that kind of life?
It sounds like a good kind of life to me. It sounds like the life of a single woman.
So I suggest that you declare yourself unabashedly, consciously, deliberately single. Not single until the right man comes along. Not single as a regrettable consequence of a series of failed relationships. Not single as in poor lonesome spinster who can’t land a man. Single as in free, self-sufficient, independent, committed to growth, happy and OK with who I am. Single as in maybe I’m free tonight and maybe I’m not. Single as in I control my own time. Single as in I have choices. Single as in I like you a lot and I will try to meet you halfway but this is my bed and I have to be somewhere in the morning.
…Consider this analogy. Psychotherapy has changed many individuals. But your mother’s psychotherapy will not protect you from life’s struggles any more than your mother’s feminism will inoculate you against the difficulties of negotiating your freedom as a woman. You have to consciously seize that freedom just as women before you had to. It is still necessary for individuals to find their own truths and uncover their own biases and hidden agendas.”
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about flow & being in the creative moment.
Simon Says is the column of Simon Doonan, creative director of Barneys. (He’s hilarious!)
Enjoying The Ride from DailyOM. I received this in my inbox on Monday & it was a great comfort & reminder!
2 1/2-months-to-new-year’s-resolutions resolutions. I LOVE THIS. God it’s so good. Lap it up! This Tumblr, Holga, is by the same person, & it’s fantastic. You should do this. Also, whoah.
Hallowe’en Candy Astrology! Ha. Too cute. (Thanks, Sarah!)
The AstroTwins have a new book coming out: The AstroTwins’ Love Zodiac. You can pre-order it on Amazon, but you can also download chapter summaries here — I love their writing style, & of course, the subject matter!
The City Has Something For Everyone (beware: lewd!).
The Cherry Blossom Girl is insanely adorable. How did I not know about this site before?! (Thanks, Stacey!)
In New York? No real plans for hallowe’en? (That’s today, by the way!) Never fear! Attend The World’s Largest Beatles (Ferris Bueller) Sing-a-long! I’m not even kidding.
I got an email from Solestruck the other day — yes, the people who sent me my sexy platform mary janes! Here’s what it said.
“Please use the following discount code VOTENOV4 to receive 20% off your order (including sale items!) now through Nov 4th.”
Yay! Cheap shoes! Go go go!
Love Songs From The Universe. Yay Sera!
Wow, amazing. Coco de Mer’s Private Poses:
“Behind that little picture frame in Coco de Mer’s changing room is a secret peek a boo camera that can spy on you while you undress. By pressing that magic button of consentuality you can send your lover a naughty photo while he/she is performing mundane duties. This wee free gift shows them all of your hidden talents and how good you look in our underwear with a whip in your hand. Its sure to bring them joy…This collection of private poses is updated instantly so keep hitting that refresh button!”
Okay, that’s it! Have a magnificent day!