Carousel — Week Ending 4th July 2008
Happy 4th of July, Americans! (& everyone else… if there is a notable lack of fireworks in your life today, make an effort to be super-bright, electric & fabulous!) I’ve never been in the United States for the 4th of July, so I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for what may come!
That having been said, here are the most intriguing things I’ve found online this week!
I recently found Think Arete, a mailing list, which I joined. It’s kind of like Notes From The Universe in that you get one every day. If you’re interested, this is their manifesto (& what persuaded me to sign up): Think Arete: The Manifesto.
Hidden Gardens of Paris from the New York Times. Ooh la la, & all that!
Best Famous Quotes from Litemind. Obviously, it’s all subjective, but there are some goodies…
“What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.” — John Ruskin
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” — Oscar Wilde
Dear Eckhart (aka coolest man ever): If you only live in the now, what would stop someone who is in a relationship or marriage from resisting the temptation to have sex with anyone who is attractive but who is not his/her partner? After all, if you are in the now and see someone attractive, you want to have sex with them now?
“As long as you want something from another (such as sex), are you present? Or are you seeking to reach some point in the future that promises fulfillment? (And thereby making the present moment as well as the other person into a means to an end.) All wanting implies that the future is more desirable than the present, does it not?”
Moleskine mods for the organisation-obsessed.
A Flickr set of Japanese matchbox labels. It sounds odd, I know, but it is strangely appealing!
How To Make Raw Food EASY! from Kristen’s Raw. — how to projects, patterns & techniques! Wooha! Thanks, Tina!
Yay, it’s a new month! Check out what the universe has in store for you courtesy of Astro Barry, Astro Style & AstrologyZone!
Truly amazing bento boxes. I mean, truly.
Simon Doonan (creative director of Barneys New York) is hilarious & fabulous in equal amounts. Check out what he wrote about Cire Trudon candles! “If you love intrigue & guillotines…” Too brilliant. The candles sound alright too!
What do you think of the new Prada flares? I am a MAJOR FAN. I love flares with all my heart. I can’t wait to see whether the high street follows Prada’s lead.
Wow. The future is now. Coloured bubbles! Watch a video here! I want some so badly!
Exploding Dog: if I’m not back in an hour, go on without me.
I wrote a Style Snapshot for Rachel of A Material World — basically, an explanation of why I dressed the way I did on one particular day! Hope you enjoy it!
Get Weird Go Pro is one of my new favourite music blogs. Remixes posted with alarming regularity. Fabulous.
20 Ways To Attack Shyness by Ms Tina Su. Quiet people the world over,
cheer be excited in your own quiet way!
Winona solves some bathing suit “issues” with her usual wit & charm. I really do get the impression that Winona would make an awesome girlfriend, don’t you?
Fashion Hayley gives her sartorial tips for curvy girls.
If you are one of the few people in the world who has not yet seen Courtney Love’s boobs (I think there are approximately… seven of you), now’s your chance to join the rest of us! Officially, though, this is a shoot for POP magazine. Do I even need to tell you this is NSFW?!
Blue hair, high heels & iCiNG sugar is an mp3 of the interview I had yesterday morning with Tera Warner of The Raw Divas! She asked me all kinds of questions, & I loved her for it — the interview had me beaming from start to finish. Her enthusiasm & energy is contagious!
& finally, WhoWhatWearDaily are giving away an Elizabeth & James mini-wardrobe! Yum! I can’t say no to that… Good luck!
Have an incredible weekend! MWAH!