Carousel — Week Ending 5th June 2007
Yup, it’s early — I’m not having the best day :< This carousel features more celebrities than you can shake a stick at... though why you'd want to in the first place is anybody's guess... She’s Got The Look from the Observer, on Rachel Zoe & her influence. (My new obsession, I don’t like her particularly, just think she is interesting.)
Violet Blue writes about a new type of genital plastic surgery, the g-shot, which made me cringe like mad. Your thoughts?
You know, I’ve actually decided that I love Victoria Beckham. Even in her oft-belittled outfits on Go Fug Yourself, I think she looks fantastic. Yes, she takes chances, & goddamnit, most of the time she looks fabulous. Three cheers! (I think she would benefit from eating more cake though.)
I like Mary-Kate Olsen & I hadn’t read this interview with her in W, so, if you care, here you go!
An interview with Vivienne Westwood in which she says most art is bullshit & criticises consumerism.
Looking after your clothes (especially cashmere), by my favourite Australian columnist, Maggie Alderson.
An excellent way to waste a lot of time — Australia’s Next Top Model, first season.
Tricia Royal writes about how to declutter your wardrobe & why less is more, & here’s part two!
How to blend your makeup, thanks to Elke Von Freudenberg, makeup artist extraordinaire! This is such a good tip, read it!
We all need to drink more water, here’s how to form the habit.
Tokyomade (two of my faaavourite people!) write about the most fashionable Japanese snacks. So adorable.
I found out via bglam that American Apparel are having a 10% off sale on their UK website, if you use the code JULY07UK at check-out… whee!