Carousel: Week Ending 7th May 2010
Links, links, glorious links!
Sarah Wilson on why we should resist bottled water. Like, now. I want one of these Platy(TM) collapsible bottles like you wouldn’t believe! See also her piece on why I hate snark.
DEALBREAKER: You Use The 😛 Emoticon In Every Text/Email/Facebook Post You Send Me. Yes!
Oh my god, okay, do you remember the Find My Goddess guy?! He has a book now. It’s called, wait for it, LOVE IS NOT A CRIME! Click that link for hilarious comments, click here for his blurb & sales pitch. Amazing!!!
Hahah. Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig As a Loving Couple in Gay Fantasy Minicomic. Best!
After our panel at SXSW, Jeff, Molly & I were interviewed by PSFK.
How I Transformed My Life by my dear friend Philip, who really DID transform his life!
Mishka did an excellent tutorial using Sugarpill Cosmetics which I adore! & am totally going to try…
So, well, Anthropologie went to India. (…?!) Anyway, there’s a slideshow of their adventures here, & the photos are quite amazing. I wish there was a little information about the places & people, though! You can shop their Passage To India collection here as well. (I like.)
what women want (12): leave that clit alone!
Jumpology by Philippe Halsman.
Halsman was a photographer during the 50’s who ended all his portrait sessions by asking the sitter to jump. Thankfully everyone from Richard Nixon to Dali and Audrey Hepburn said ‘How high?’ because the resulting series is one of mischief and glee. It is also a disarming look at some of the most famous names of Halsman’s time.
Lady Gaga gets Etsy wed! What would Le Gaga wear to her own wedding? Jennifer has some ideas!
Madonna by Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott for Interview. I adore Madonna.
Rosie Hardy takes great photographs. (Thanks, Julia!)
Leonie made an MP3 of a meditation you can use for healing & it’s superb!
I am in love with Black Milk. HELLO, how did I not know about this — & their super-inspiring blog, Too Many Tights! before?! I feel very strongly that I require these, these, these & these. MINIMUM. This jacket is pretty sick too.
Live Alive, Not Just a Life: Guidelines for Rebelling Against “Reality”, from the middle finger project.
How to make your own knickers! !!!
Eloise is remodelling her old dollhouse.
Real women is a very cool exhibition.
The dirty dozen cheat sheet — a cute, easy way to remember what kinds of fruits & vegetables have the least pesticides!
Givenchy are using a transexual in their latest campaign. So happy!!!
While some women might find the edgy ads a matter of taste, Tisci explained that including a transgender person exemplifies the masculine-feminine dichotomy that has become one of his design signatures…
I was reading Playboy the other day (…WHAT? I have a subscription) & they had an ad for Designer Intimates. The model was wearing very cute underwear, so, long story short, I went to the URL & I bought some stuff. Specifically? This set (in pink, waist cincher & all!) & this bra with those boy leg knickers. Cute right? Word. This is really sweet too. Anyway, I wanted to let you know, because I had never even heard of them, & good neon/polka-dot lingerie is hard to find!
On the complete opposite side of the coin, Angel wrote Poisoned Honey on Blackout Beach about the oil spill.
Michelle Phan shows us how to do the make-up from Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance! Awesome.
A few years ago, my hairdresser Bee went on the show BLIND DATE! & they sent her on a blind date with “Mighty Mike”! I just found this clip & I love it — isn’t Bee the most adorable girl ever?!
Have a wonderful weekend. May it be equal parts relaxing, tantalising & blissful!