Celebrate Kat’s Birthday With 50% Off Blogcademy Online!
First things first: happy birthday Kat! My British BFF is 31, and with every year, she gets smarter, more confident, more beautiful, and more fun! I wish I could be there with her, but alas, I am in rainy New York City. To make up for it, Shauna and I sent her a Himalayan salt lamp and a huge amethyst geode. I mean, when a girl tweets something like this, how could we call ourselves friends and leave her prayers unanswered?!
To celebrate my babe’s birthday, we’re giving you the gift of 50% off The Blogcademy Online!
The Blogcademy Online is our two-day blogging workshop, filmed, digitised, and wrapped up in a beautiful bow for people who’d prefer to learn from home! We cover everything you need to know to start a blog, no matter whether your primary purpose is your own amusement, to generate an income, or to help support an existing business. It’s truly an enormous amount of material, and we’re immensely proud of the fact that we’ve now helped well over 1000 women learn the blogging ropes!
Blogcademy Online is normally $497 but if you buy it TODAY you’ll be able to celebrate with us and get 50% off! That’s less than $250! Are you for real?!
Included in your purchase:
Over six hours of video lessons, broken down into bite-sized modules: easy to digest, actionable information that you can watch whenever and wherever you’d like!
A 300 page transcript of the entire class. (Think of this as an enormous how-to-blog bible!)
24 pages of action-packed worksheets and activities, to help you implement everything you’ve learned.
A huge list of resources which includes every single book, tool, website and professional we personally recommend. This is priceless! Every online resource we mention in class is hyperlinked in the back of the workbook — just click and go!
Life-time access, baby! The course is yours to keep. You can login, watch, and rewatch the lessons as many times as you like!
An absolutely insane amount of know-how and encouragement. With over 30 years of collective blogging experience, we really have done it all. As a blogcadette, you get the opportunity to learn from our mistakes… And our successes, too!
Access to our private Facebook community. There are currently over 300 Blogcadettes in the group, and it’s growing every single day. The forum is full of helpful, supportive bloggers and entrepreneurs. It’s the ideal place to ask for advice and to be among people who ‘get it’!
Since we want you to get the very best out of your Blogcademy experience, we’ve also added:
A pre-course worksheet for you to fill in before you start the lessons. You’ll receive this immediately, and it will help you assess where your blog and business are now. Clocking in at a walloping 14 pages, this will allow you to get a firm fix on where you are, and where you can improve.
An exclusive 22 page Blogging Business Plan! You can use this as a roadmap to chart exactly where you want to go, and how to get there!
A pack of inspirational wallpapers: perfect for printing out and hanging by your desk, or for using as your computer or phone background.
All you need to do is use the code happybirthday at checkout!
Discount code is valid until 8am GMT on April 8th and will take 50% off the full price of the online course. The code does not work if you opt to pay via installments. The discount is not retroactive against past purchases. If you have any questions before you book, feel free to send us a tweet!
Happy birthday, Kat! I love you!