Cherry On Top

Had to add this note from Lissa — it’s too great not to include!
HOLY COW! Thanks for the awesome picture of Bob! When I was 4 my mom worked at a very popular coffee house, the kind that was only open at night and they had live music. Tom Waits was the door man and would get on stage and do his stuff in between the other artists…anyway, Bob Dylan came to play there (the coffee house was called The Heritage) the same day as my 4th birthday and my mom took me in that night and Bob sat me on a stool next to him on the tiny stage and sang happy birthday to me! My mom was always a huge Bob Dylan fan, it was practically a holiday when ever one of his new albums came out! She had them all and I grew up listening to him everyday, mom was not big on tv, music was the thing so I know all the songs by heart and am still a fan my self! This picture is a nice one, shows off his cute hair style and how adorable he was, I always loved the way he looked back then, so stylish without even trying! Happy Sunday Gala! This is SUCH a sweet and juicy cherry to top off my Sunday!