Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, & Live Like You Mean It!

I was so excited to get a package from Kris Carr recently. Kris Carr is a dynamic force to be reckoned with; I’ve met her a few times, & her light shines so BRIGHT! She’s cool & real & she’s smart as hell.
Kris is a major raw food advocate (which of course makes me LOVE her more than you could possibly imagine!), & her story is a remarkable one. Diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on Valentine’s Day in 2003 (yes, really!), she directed & starred in a documentary about her journey called Crazy Sexy Cancer for TLC. After that, she wrote two books: Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips & Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor: More Rebellion and Fire for Your Healing Journey. Her words & actions have brought encouragement & hope to thousands of people across the world dealing with the big C. Awesome, right?
Well, Kris believes that prevention is the best cure–& in her experience, eating your veggies, reducing your stress levels & drinking lots of yummy green juice is the way to do that. So she’s written a book for the rest of us: the raw-curious girls & boys!
There are so many books about raw food, but there are none so welcoming, friendly & laden with “fuck yeah” energy as this one! What should you be looking for?
In Crazy Sexy Diet, you’ll learn how to eat your way to health, vitality & a great ass! (Seriously, have you seen hers?) With a great introduction explaining Kris’ journey from NYC party girl to glowing self-care activist, you’ll find out how to switch up your diet so that all your cells glow from the inside out. You’ll discover how to navigate a supermarket (& make sense of those treacherous ingredient lists), all about sexy, body-friendly cosmetics & plenty of tips on how to make juice, not war! There’s a gentle, 21-day cleanse in the back if you want to kick-start your incandescence, too!
Kris has gone out of her way to make everything simple & easy to digest (ha!). Her passion for self-care leaps off the page, & she is clearly a radical self-love warrior of the highest order!
It’s not all her way or the highway, either. There are guest chapters from Rory Freedman (co-author of game-changing tome Skinny Bitch), Dr. Alejandro Junger (creator of the Clean Program!), Neal Barnard (author of Food for Life: How the New Four Food Groups Can Save Your Life), Kathy Freston, Brian Clement (co-director of Hippocrates Health Institute), Dr. Mark Hyman & Emily Deschanel (yeah, sister of Zooey!), as well as rave reviews from Marianne Williamson & Donna Karan!
Still not sure? You can preview chapter one here!
I love Kris & I love her book. Reading it was the push I needed to get stuck into the Clean Program (which I am enjoying SO much!), & it has been a great reminder to take care of myself. I’m positive you will find it just as inspiring!