Daily Outfit — 10th December 2007
![Daily outfit Daily outfit](/images/07-12/2007-12-10c.jpg)
Yesterday, I went to a wedding party. One half of the newly-unified couple owns a fabulous vintage clothing store, so I knew that it was a true dress-up occasion.
Here’s what I wore to swill champagne…
![Daily outfit Daily outfit](/images/07-12/2007-12-10.jpg)
Mimco art deco headband
Black velvet dress (Ebay)
Purple silk scarf worn as belt
Purple lamé leggings
Black ruched boots from Dizingof
Pearls around one wrist & silver bracelet from Sportsgirl on the other
Make-up: Cat’s eye with inner corners of eyes highlighted, eyebrows done & highlighted, light pink blush & pink tinted lip balm.
![Daily outfit Daily outfit](/images/07-12/2007-12-10b.jpg)