Daily Outfit — 24th February 2008
Blue sunglasses
Earrings from Tokyomade (they are make-up themed! Little brushes & compacts & eyelashes!)
Knotted pearls
Vintage leather jacket (yes, the one I was so excited about!) bought from mademoiselle vintage — the tag says XXL so I think it was made for a chubby child! I find this unequivocally hilarious.
American Apparel striped v-neck shirt
Laurie Foon super-long hoodie
Black tartan skirt from Sportsgirl
Black stockings
Flat lace-up boots (no idea on the brand)
Girlprops initial rings
This is what I wore to go & see The House of Chanel (working title: Signé Chanel) at ACMI. It was a 5-part TV series sewn together to make a feature-length film about what goes on behind the scenes at Chanel, & the process of putting together a collection, from Karl’s initial sketches to the runway show & client fittings.
It was a really interesting thing to watch. I had some idea about the kind of work that must go into producing these collections, but to see it on celluloid made it all the more real. Karl Lagerfeld is known for being an exacting perfectionist (which is why everything he does is so magnifique), & of course, in order to maintain that standard, everything done by Chanel’s seamstresses, shoe-makers, embroiderers & even delivery-men must be executed just so. The lengths these people go to for their work is totally inspiring. I really should have been taking notes!
If you’re in Melbourne, there’s another showing soon (but only one more so make sure you don’t miss out!), but if not, you can watch it all here!
“Chanello! …I want to shoplift something just so he can feel me up!”