Daily Outfit — 30th November 2008

Pink silk scarf
Necklace from Lucid New York
Black top from Mink Pink (new)
Olive green shorts from Workshop
Pink & gold jewelled bracelets
Wedding ring
New shoes by Siren

It’s super-windy here today, but beautiful. I’ve been tidying up & preparing for the coming week.
I went shopping yesterday. It was a bit of a bust, there wasn’t much to be had, but I bought this top & these shoes, as well as an overpriced but awesome t-shirt. I actually dreamt putting this outfit together, & I dreamt how I would shoot it, too! (From the ground, with a big blue sky above me.) I was blowing bubbles in the dream, which would have added another layer of awesome, but unfortunately I have no bubble wand. Next time!

How has your weekend been?