Daily Outfit — 3rd September 2007

Grey Ricochet coat
Blue pashmina scarf, knotted
Pearls, Hello Kitty hairclip & Tarina Tarantino rings
Long-sleeved black Paula Ryan black top
Black button-down military dress
New Rock boots
Definitely not my most exciting outfit. It was COLD today! I went out in the morning looking much cuter (pink silk Kate Sylvester dress, short blue cardigan & cowboy boots) but I got soaked on the way to the post office. Very sad. You can see the sadness in my face. The rain also totally destroyed my fabulous bird’s nest hairdo. Shame on you, Melbourne!
I wore the above to the Nicolangela spring launch in the GPO. I was recognised by someone in the crowd (hi, Phillip!). That makes two times in as many days! Fear!