Daily Outfit: 6th November 2009

It was super-cold today & very bright — I tried to get pictures of my face but I couldn’t stop squinting! This is what I wore to go & collect cupcakes.

Who really knows what’s going on with my hair? I clipped one side of it back when I had a shower & then decided to leave it like that. We could say it was Kate Lanphear/Tank Girl-inspired, but really, it just worked.
Blue Swarovski crystal heart necklace.
Sun-dress from Forever 21. I wore this dress endlessly over the summer, but don’t think it has made an appearance here before….
Ye olde classic black pyramid stud belt, also from Forever 21.
Paula Ryan wrap-around cardigan. This thing is so warm! I wore it open with the sides hanging down.
Vintage black velvet blazer. When I got this (a gift from my friend Mary!), the sleeves weren’t quite right, so during a strange time in San Francisco, Jazzi & I sliced them open. Then I cuffed them & safety-pinned them in place. It’s crude but it works.
Blue sparkly stockings from We Love Colors!
Black leg-warmers from Sportsgirl… I think.
Frye Veronica shortie boots.
My bag — metal trim shoulder tote — is from Forever 21 too. It is vegan (a much nicer way of saying “vinyl”, to be sure) & I love it, though The Dish says it reminds him of an outfit Cher used to wear on-stage. Ahem.

I don’t think it does. I had to do some searching & none of these outfits really resemble the bag all that much…