Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go To Vegas…

Just in case you couldn’t tell, Nubby, Kat & I had the best time ever in Las Vegas. Even though only two months have passed, it already feels like it happened a lifetime ago! I’m really craving some extended girl time — & some hot weather! — so it seemed like a good time to recap our adventures in Vegas! Thankfully, we were incredibly snap-happy the whole time, so there’s plenty to show you!

This was our second-to-last day in Vegas, & we were all still rocking our photoshoot hairstyles from the day before! It made us feel extra-glamorous. This picture was taken inside Caesar’s Palace, but it looks like we’re on a wet street in Europe somewhere!

Oh hey, I’m just chilling out next to a huge fountain…

I don’t know if this face has a name. Maybe “stunned guppy”?!

It’s true that when the three of us get together, we look at a LOT of shoes!


Still absolutely 100% in love with this Florence Broadhurst pattern from Kate Spade. In fact, I love it so much that I ended up buying the Japanese Floral Scout, & have been wearing it almost every day!

Ha!!! I love MAC Cosmetics stores. They always feel so full of promise!

…But wait, there’s more! These insane sneakers were at Giuseppe Zanotti & a mere $995! (Cough, cough!) They’re pretty amazing, though… I think if I bought these for Nubby, she’d be running marathons in no time!

Definitely reaching for another pair of shoes in this photo… But none of us bought any the whole time we were in Vegas! Oh well, I promise you we gave it a good go!

I think this fountain should be bigger. Don’t you?

Doing a quality control check before something was posted to Instagram, no doubt!

I can’t begin to tell you how good it felt to soak up some sunshine, especially given the temperatures in NYC at the time!
I feel like every vacation has a kind of theme, or elements that run throughout. Our time in Vegas was definitely punctuated by our obsession with the talents — & tawdry lives of — the Vegas-based magicians. Criss Angel, for some reason, became a major focus. We were so fascinated by everything about him that we even ended up imitating him in photos…

See? I’m not exactly sure why we are all crossing our arms over our chests like vampires, though… Nubby swore up & down that Criss had done promo photos like this, but I can’t find them!

David Copperfield didn’t escape our attention, either. Here we are doing our best Copperfield impressions. Can’t you see the similarities?!

At the Airplanes & Blazers photobooth!

I was so glad that I took my Fujifilm Instax camera with me. It got a LOT of use. I have barely touched my digital SLR in a year!

I loved this sign at the Pussycat Dolls Burlesque Lounge. I want a huge version for our house!

This seemed like a photo op that was simply too good to pass up! Who wouldn’t want to pose with multiple Elvii?!

This terrifying picture was taken on our last night, at a bar that was COMPLETELY dead!

Nubby won’t admit this to you, but she has a total dinosaur fetish.

A Birthday Cake Shake at Holstein’s. Delicious! I recommend.

Need to do this in my living room. I know you think I’m kidding… but I’m not!

My bedside table at The Cosmopolitan… Sparkly shoes & Instax photos, all in a day’s work.

David McNeil is a karaoke genius… Don’t let anyone tell you differently! He was wailing Born To Run at the top of his tarnished lungs!

This was taken at dinner after our photoshoot in the desert. We ate at Mon Ami Gabi in the Paris hotel — & it was incredible — but exhaustion kicked in soon after!

Sunrise over the Eiffaux Tower…

I love the Faux de Triomphe!

This is the fortune Zoltar gave me!

Nubby decided that every time we left the hotel room, we should take a photo… So we did!

It turned out to be a brilliant way of documenting our outfits & a whole lot of silliness!

Embodying my new style direction!

Our outfits on the last full day.

This is the team of people who went out to shoot…

…& this is how it looked on our less-than-glamorous return from the day of shooting in the desert. I’m carrying a huge plastic bag full of clothes & feeling very classy!

Covered in dust at the end of the day, & completely spent.

I adored these hanging paper decorations at Bond… It’s a really cute, psychedelic bar. I actually think there’s a lot of great interior inspiration in Las Vegas, you just have to pay attention!

Things we love: mega chandeliers!

Mmm… Fuchsia.

I think I’m… chandelirious!

Our intrepid photographer!

Definitely counting down the days until I next get on a plane!