Happy Chinese New Year!
Today is the start of Chinese New Year! Happy new year! 2008 is the year of the rat in Chinese astrology. Nibble nibble!
The year of the rat means different things for each sign — check out astrology.com & fengshuiweb for some cool yearly predictions. But overall, the year of the rat is supposed to be great for getting married or starting a new job or project. Apparently we won’t see instant results, but if we are patient, fabulous things will happen. The year of the rat also lends itself to workaholic tendencies, so if you are prone to overworking yourself, make an effort to cut back & rebalance your life.
The general message seems to be: work hard & consistently, don’t get frustrated if things don’t immediately go your way, & take care of yourself. Though I guess that’s a good message all the time!
There should be Chinese New Year celebrations going on this weekend near you. I suggest searching online to find out what’s happening! In Auckland I always used to go to the Chinese Lantern Festival which is fabulous. This year I will mooching around Chinatown & photographing the festivities. The atmosphere is always brilliant.