Have A Coach Holiday!

Once upon a mid-July,
10 fashion bloggers — The Glamourai, Fashion Chalet, Keiko Lynn, Saucy Glossie, Something Navy, Faboo Madness, Everything Style, It’s Her Factory, That’s Chic & me! — were invited to participate in the Coach holiday campaign. We arrived at Hudson Studios with absolutely no idea of what we were doing. All we knew was that Coach wanted to shoot holiday portraits.
We changed into big white bathrobes & waddled around looking gormless (well, okay, I can really only speak for myself!) until we clambered into chairs & were given the opportunity to tell the make-up artists what we wanted. (My answer is always: “Black winged eyeliner, lots of mascara &/or false eyelashes, highlighted cheekbones & practically bare lips.”)
Then it was time to attack the racks of clothing. The stylist, Scott Newkirk, had pulled the most amazing pieces. I stood there & tried not to be annoying — sometimes I forget that I’m meant to be “styled”! I was so thrilled with what I ended up in, it was like me but on steroids. Stripes, sparkles, high heels, massive tulle headband… Perfection. I don’t remember the details of what I was wearing (sorry!) except the silver sequinned shrug was vintage Lanvin… & of course I had on Coach gloves, bangles, shoes & bag!

Shae was watching as they took my picture, & when we were done with my portrait, they asked if we’d like to have a picture taken together! Of course we said yes, & I love the result! We didn’t see it until the Coach event on Friday, & were so thrilled!
By the way, hello to everyone who came to the party! It was so nice to meet you all! It was a great time. There was champagne & nibbly treats, & downstairs there was a little area where you could make a flipbook! We made two: one of Mike & I, & one of Shae, Brett, Mike & I dancing around. I love ’em!

Each of the 10 bloggers selected have a little profile on Coach.com which you can see here! Everyone’s holiday tips are so cute, & I am practically doing back-flips over how ADORABLE Shae’s video is!
You can watch my Christmas video below!
You can see huge blown-up versions of our portraits in Coach stores all across the WORLD (!!!) which is way too exciting. I saw Arielle say that she wanted to go to the store when it opened on Saturday morning & pop a bottle of champagne, like Carrie when she sees her bus… Haha! Too cute.
I hope that when you see our faces in your nearest Coach store, it makes you smile!
Thank you so much to Coach for having us, & to Reed Krakoff for taking such fantastic photos!