Hit The Road, Jack…

Happy Wednesday! In a couple of hours, Kat and I will be trundling our pink suitcases down the stairs, into a car, to the airport, and then flying cross-country to San Francisco. We can’t wait to be reunited with Shauna, to spend some time exploring the city by the bay, and teaching a gaggle of rad blogcadettes the online ropes!

Our San Francisco class sold out weeks ago, but if you’d like to come and join us this weekend, email us to get on the waitlist, and we’ll see what we can do! Our Chicago class has a few seats free, so don’t be shy! (We’d love to give you a hug and hang out!)

We would love to make the most of our time in San Francisco and Chicago, so please share your favourite spots!

“Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry.” (Jack Kerouac)


Illustration for Hitched Magazine by Eirian Chapman.