How To Wear… Competition!
How utterly fabulous! iCiNG has teamed up with Polyvore for another competition!

This one’s more trend-centric than the last. It’s called How To Wear…, & the idea is that you make a set giving us your take on how to wear…
Gladiator sandals
Flared trousers
High waists
…or 1940’s style!
You have 14 days to whip up as many fantastic outfits as you like! I’ll be choosing 12 winners (phew!), all of whom will be getting a sweet little parcel from me in New York City! (I will write you love letters & send you trinkets & fortunes & bubble wands & anything pretty I see…) If that doesn’t entice you, how about the fact that your set will be world famous on iCiNG & Polyvore? Sounds good to me!
Click here to get busy styling, & be sure to have submitted your entries by the 29th of May! All entries should go through that link!
Best of luck, glamazons!