iCiNG Infatuations: Five Fabulous… Nail Polishes

eRomance Met On The Internet

eRomance Met On The Internet by OPI

Jane liked to line up potential suitors on Craigslist. It was her favourite thing to do. Every Monday afternoon as she sat at her desk, she would apply eRomance Met On The Internet in long, broad strokes, then blow on them to dry while she considered what her next advertisement might say.

Girl with day-glo eyes seeks boy with whom to hold hands, share pastries, & get frisky in public places. I like to eat strawberries & commandeer the blankets, often at the same time. If your idea of a good time includes a pack of tarot cards & a pair of handcuffs, get in touch. (Boys with telekinetic powers preferred.)

Huckle Buckle

Huckle Buckle by essie

Rose felt like she was born in the wrong time. She was obsessed with the past, & would buy everything vintage. Sometimes she would wade into her closet & sit there for hours, trying to soak the smell of generations past into her skin. Her boyfriend had a huge moustache & it was her favourite thing in the entire world. Her bottle of Huckle Buckle was a gift from her mother, who didn’t understand her but tried to communicate with her by buying her cosmetics.


Jailbait by Hard Candy

Karyn bought Jailbait for the name, not that she’d ever admit it. She carried a well-worn copy of Lolita in her satchel, celebrated Nabokov’s birthday every year, & was always on the look-out for her very own Humbert Humbert. She worked in an ice-cream parlour & always gave the cutest people extra sprinkles & topping. Her prized possession was a pair of Vivienne Westwood rocking horse shoes, which she sometimes wore to bed.

Blue Lace

Blue Lace by Nicole by OPI

Lauren worked in a Thai restaurant, but spent most of her time daydreaming about being a mermaid. When she wasn’t serving rice & drinks, she would stand by the aquarium in the corner, looking at the fish & trying to communicate with them. She waves at them with Blue Lace-coated fingertips & watches for recognition. She thinks one of them spoke once. It said “Marmalade”. Lauren finds this very confusing.

Louvre Me Louvre Me Not

Louvre Me Louvre Me Not by OPI

Diana appraised diamonds for a living. Her business partner was her husband, but they were in the middle of a trial separation. Any time she wasn’t in the shop, she would lock herself in the bathroom to eat pumpkin soup & get a bit of peace. When he made a comment to her — any comment — she delighted in flipping him off. It gave her yet another reason to get a fabulous manicure.