International Dress Up Day #006 Pictures!

I love all of these so much, don’t they bring a huge smile to your face?!


“From the time I knew that I could get a job until I discovered theatre in 6th grade, I wanted to be a Paleontologist. I thought it would be the coolest thing ever to muck around in the dirt finding dinosaurs + putting them together. The first photo is me looking for something to dig up, + in the second photo I have decided that maybe that rock is an egg, with something great inside.”


I love the dog sidekick! So awesome!

Anna Rose:

“When I was 5 I wanted to be a boy. They got to do all the fun stuff like swear, fart and play in the mud.”

Anna Rose

I went to the school where the shirt came from! Nice mo’ too…!

Bex & Poppy:

“Well I spoke with Poppy (she is only 2 1/2) & she decided that when she was 5 she wanted to be just like you. So here she is in her ‘Outfit of the Day’. All chosen by her with some quirky little fashion tricks (a la GALA) to boot. We had a great time taking the pics & I swear she posed all on her own! She’s blowing GALA a kiss in the second one.”


TOO CUTE for words, oh my god! I LOVE the diaper turban, I don’t think I have the courage to pull that one off myself!