Live Without Fear And Fall In Radical Self-Love… My Interview In The Hay House World Summit!
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how we learn. Some people take the slow and steady (and prideful) approach, determined to discover everything on their own. Others seek out the very best teachers and make massive strides — and huge improvements — in a short amount of time.
This was reinforced by a post I read about Tony Hawk a couple of days ago:
“When he started there was an entire generation of teachers who came before him who were able to teach him his first tricks. There’s an important reason that the world champion marathon runner in the 1890s would barely make the time to qualify for the Boston Marathon now. Because training technique gets better. So you can either spend years figuring out the better training techniques on your own. Or you can find the teachers who can show you in a few hours.” — James Altucher
We all have areas in our lives that we struggle with: physical fitness, emotional intelligence, relationships, connection, managing our money, loving ourselves… The list goes on and on. I am a huge believer in upgrading my skills by learning from experts. I am not interested in making incremental improvements. I want to soak it all up like a sponge and become exponentially better. That’s why I work with a personal trainer, it’s why I take classes and see coaches. I don’t want to muddle through things slowly. Life is short — why not get the most bang for your buck?
That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about The Hay House World Summit. It’s just about to get started, and I know you’re going to love it.
Now, let’s be real: the internet is full of summits, and I get asked to participate in a new one every single day. I always say no! This is the one exception. When it comes to creating a magical life, living in authenticity, and being joyful, Hay House authors have it locked down. There are a lot of so-called “experts” out there, but these people are the real deal and they know what they’re talking about. If you’re going to learn from someone, why not the best?
Hay House World Summit has 100 experts talking about all the good stuff: physical, mental and emotional health, spirituality, prosperity, relationships and self-empowerment. I’m absolutely delighted to be featured alongside Deepak Chopra, Julia Cameron, Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Dr Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle and Iyanla Vanzant — I mean, WOW! — and to be with my friends Gabby Bernstein, Kris Carr, Gail Larsen, Mike Dooley, and Lodro Rinzler. And that isn’t even a fraction of the awesome line-up.
My interview — Live Without Fear and Fall in Radical Self-Love — was conducted by the fabulous Jessica Ortner, and it goes live in the first week of the summit. We went really deep in talking about radical self love, tapping, giving advice to our younger selves, and creating magic every single day. It was such a fun interview, and I know you’ll get a lot out of it.
If you’re keen, the Hay House World Summit starts on May 7th. If you register before then, you’ll get four audio lessons to get you started, including a kickass talk by Marianne Williamson (who I saw speak live for the first time last week and she blew my mind). These first four lessons disappear on May 7th, and you won’t get them unless you register now, so just do it, won’t you?!
Oh, and did I mention the whole thing is FREE?! Hell to the yes!