Love & Sequins #4 Is Live!

Hooray! I am so excited to announce the fourth installment in my monthly series, Love & Sequins: Making Magic Happen!
Offered up for your reading & listening pleasure is A GUIDE TO MANNERS FOR THE MODERN MINX — Etiquette, social graces & charming the pants off total strangers for the uninitiated!
What started as a simple piece on manners has blossomed into 10,000 words on meeting people, the art of conversation, getting people to like you, table manners, making an incredible first impression, how to influence people, intercultural competence, proper dinner behaviour, improving your language, & a whole lot of ways to crank up your personal charisma! Essentially, the whole thing is about how to turn on the charm in every possible scenario.
So many of us have grown up either without having been taught manners at all, or purposefully ignoring what we were told as children — but unfortunately, as we grow up & into the world, we’re faced with the shocking reality that what we used to be able to get away with is no longer acceptable!
This is a charm school crash course, covering personal magnetism, grace & being delightful for lost girls & moguls-in-training.
I’m so proud of it, & there are absolute stacks of real, able-to-be-applied-straight-away advice, so I know you’ll totally love it! I learned more than I could have ever imagined just from writing it!
Single issues are $12 each. Alternatively you can subscribe monthly for $10 (& I’ll send you the ones you’ve missed!), or buy the whole lot at $7 a pop!

…& if you missed out on any of the previous episodes, you can grab them here!

Love & Sequins #1: LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF: Self-adoration, manifesting your ideal persona, channelling your inner Marie Antoinette & everything in between!
“I’m a bit older than a lot of your readers (ie 40!), but I still found it really releveant. And I believe this type of thing should be compulsory reading/listening for teenagers (I’m trying to word this without sounding/feeling 1200 years old … hmm!) Maybe you could create your own school … Galaverse High ?? With a pink sparkly uniform and a unicorn coat of arms. Seriously though, I think this sort of thing is way more beneficial than a geography or a maths lesson. After all, isn’t school meant to prepare you for life?” — K.
“If I could put to words how much I love and adore this podcast, I would, but ’nuff said I completely fail at that. It’s just mind-blowingly, earth-shatteringly, toe-ticklingly (why yes, these are all actual words) cute and awesome, and on top of that so relevant! So important! I think absolutely everyone should hear this, Galaverse High doesn’t sound bad at all!” — J.

Love & Sequins #2: THE SMART GIRL’S GUIDE TO BUSINESS — Taking control of your life, finding your passion, loving what you do & making mad bling!
“Thankyou so much for your inspiration. it really gave me the kick up the bum that I needed. I was always afraid to take a creative income path, for fear that my talent was lacking. I still have these insecurities, but I realise that right now, while I’m young, enthusiastic and motivated is the very best time to give it a shot. If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll try something different. if it is a success, then maybe it will give me the confidence to try some other more innovative ideas.” — V.
“I finally developed the balls to register as self-employed this week and quite by chance have been offered my first self-employed gig. I teach adults, literacy and numeracy. So this time around I’ll be teaching young adults with learning difficulities, the basic literacy they’ll need to get them by in life generally and in work. But it has made me realise that anything is possible… I’m planning to keep on some employed work to pay the bills. But I’m planning to expand into online tutoring, proofreading and writing. I intend to be completely self-employed eventually. So thanks. Wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for that podcast. They’re worth their weight in gold.” — A.

Love & Sequins #3: LOVE, SEX, THE GALAXY & EVERYTHING — From falling in love to co-habitation, & all the beauty & madness contained within!
“Gala, I loved this one! I listened to it as soon as you sent it. I’ve always been kind of a cynic when it comes to love, but I think I’m ready to let my guard down and take the plunge. The ‘love self-evaluation’ and ‘figuring out what you want from a partner’ parts stood out the most to me, and I’m definitely going to take the time to write and reflect on these areas. Thank you so much!” — D.
“This was supermegaawesome good! I really like the way it’s all starting to sounds more natural… But I like the way it sort of flows and sounds more natural… Like you’re whispering good advice in my ear! And also I was walking my dog while listening to this and 3 or 4 times I just burst out laughing at some of the things you said; a lot of strange looks! Please keep this up, they’re all super good and I really do owe a lot to you!” — V.

As ALWAYS, thank you so much for your support! I couldn’t do it without you! MWAH!