Making Dali Proud
I recently received this email & loved it so much I knew I had to share it with the rest of you! Enjoy! (The writer, Molly, is the cutie in the middle!)

dear gala!
ive been reading your website for a while and i guess i should start this email by saying THANK YOU for being such an inspiration! starting my day off by checking various sites and everything is always my routine, but i almost didnt realize how going on every morning with my coffee was such a positive influence on my every day life.
i love what you say about leading a more celebratory life, and so because of thinking how you take every day to celebrate something great about life, recently on a family trip to france and spain we visited the huge dali museum and how would one celebrate his brilliance? by drawing mustaches on her face, and the face of her brother and sister, of course! we got some strange looks by people who obviously take things too seriously, but others laughed and gave thumbs ups and it really made this amazing experience of looking at rooms and rooms full of extraordinary art all the better. i thought id attach the picture on to show you, and i just want to say thank you again for being such a positive influence in my day to day life that stretches far beyond getting dressed and fashion (although i am not undervaluing that aspect of your blog!)