More International Dress-Up Day #004 Photos!
Wow! You’re all GORGEOUS! & if anyone ever needed any proof that high heels add instant sex appeal, go no further… Phew.
“mostly i just went for major contrast with the lighting.. threw in some cigarette smoke, alcohol, high heels, my favourite thrifted dress & voila! great theme.. it was definitely a broadening experience for me! i also took some video footage of me setting up.. completely spontaneous, but why not?”
“I couldn’t go as all-out as I had planned because I’m going out to a party with my bf (we’ve only been dating for two weeks, so I want to ease him into the realization that his gf is a little odd… lol!). So I chose to do more of a “noir-moderne” look. lol. Can’t wait for the new I.D.U.D.!! :D”