Other Sites In Which To Delight!
Hungry for some new sites to feed into your RSS reader? Telis suggested I let you know some of my favourites, so here they are in a big list! (I updated my links page today — so many sites I loved have stopped updating, it’s sad!) What are your favourite sites?
Assorted (A mixed bag, oh yes!)
Astrologyzone BSC Headquarters Burning Man Coilhouse Crazy Sexy Cancer Cupcakes Take The Cake Cupcaketastic decor8 design is mine Design That Kills desire to inspire Free Will Astrology Independent Fashion Bloggers Oxygen horoscopes she who eats swissmiss Tokyo Undressed what claudia wore You Are Remarkable
Educational (Learn somethin’!)
Copyblogger Dumb Little Man No Impact Man Problogger Seth Godin Skelliewag Steve Pavlina Think Simple. Be Decisive. zen habits
Fashion & Beauty (Pretty girls talk about pretty things)
Bits & Bobbins Coco’s Tea Party Daddy Likey Fashion Is Spinach Fifi Lapin FruityBeauty Kingdom Of Style Magpie Fashion Makeup Alley Manolo’s Shoe Blog Miss Couturable N.E.E.T. Magazine Sea Of Shoes Style Bubble The Coveted WhoWhatWearDaily
Wicked People (All come with the Gala seal of approval!)
100 Acorns Audrey Kawasaki Audrey Kitching Beijing Baby! Bobby Burgess Bryanboy Chew Fu Dhrumil e.e.c. Exploding Dog Fafi Fawn Gehweiler freebird Girl About Town Hanna Beth Hugnation Jazzi Julie In Japan Kris Atomic Lithium Picnic Molly Crabapple Nubby Twiglet Serial Comma Spiritual Cowgirl Star Violet Blue
Raw (Fresh fruit & vegetables make me happy)
Give It To Me Raw Karen Knowler Kristen’s Raw Loving Raw Raw Model Raw Reform We Like It Raw
Shopping (Spend your hard-earned moolah here)
American Apparel Etsy GirlProps Hattrick HellaVintage Hipster’s Playground Vintage kukuvintage Kurzenberger’s World Of Glasses liebemarlene Lullie Vintage Clothing makimaki mama stone vintage mousevox vintage Posh Girl Vintage shrinkle Tokyomade
Street Style (Get inspired!)
Altamira NYC Face Hunter HEL LOOKS MTL Street Oslostil Pike/Pine stilinberlin Stockholm Street Style Street-Fashion Style Sightings The Commodified The Sartorialist Wardrobe Remix