#radicalselflovejuly: The Best Of Week Two!
Hooray! It has been another week of brilliant creativity and self-celebration on Instagram. We have almost 9000 posts on the #radicalselflovejuly tag now, which is blowing my mind!
It is such a delight to see all the originality and imagination you’re bringing to this monthly challenge. We’re definitely going to have to do it again in the future!
Okay, enough preamble. On to some of my favourite shots!
DAY EIGHT: Draw yourself
There were some very impressive self-portraits on display on day 8! I’m always amazed by people who can draw: my husband Mike is an incredible artist, and it always blows my mind. Like, how do you do that?!
A few of my favourite shots from the day were stars_are_red’s crop of an old self-portrait painting (WOW), Kate’s self-portrait-in-a-photo (what?! Brilliant!), and Carmen who wrapped her picture in gold fabric.
Meggie spelled out I LOVE YOU with potato waffles, Eleanor made a heart of orange pieces, and Jessica wrote about her ice-cream…
It’s no secret: I’ve always had a terrible sweet tooth, inhaling cakes, candy and so on by the truck load! It used to be a bit of the problem, as I would regularly binge on these foods; however, with time and plenty of #selflove, I’ve come to a place where I can enjoy these delicious morsels without guilt, and with the appreciation they deserve. I am so proud of myself for getting this far and changing my mindset so much! Radical self love to the MAX!
Otherwise known as the day of “Awwwwwwwwwwwww.”
Kacia says she’s still the same size, with the same laugh, and the same hair! Having met Reina, I couldn’t resist posting her and her pumpkin. So much cuteness! And Nina has always been sassy as hell! I love the earrings!
Plus, a special mention for Emily Jayne, whose photo made me laugh and laugh! Oh man. If I had a photo like this, I’d blow it up really big and frame it!
It’s always inspiring to see how other people journal, and what they create within their notebooks. I was not at all letdown by what I saw on day 11! So much colour, so much radness!
Eleanor implores herself to be bolder, Nikki doodled about what radical self love means, and Xandra drinks tea while she writes in hers. Leonie makes wicked collages, Reina is using old magazine cut-outs, and Emily organises her life using a Dodo Pad.
On this day, too, I was really moved by this caption from francislovesbacon:
So I need to be honest – I just started my radical self love bible this month thanks to this challenge. People, I need to say that I have never been so deep in selflove as this month. I need to thank @galadarling from the bottom of my heart. But not only her but all of you beautiful creatures out there taking this challenge. The first time I don’t feel ridiculous loving myself and doing all those amazing things. I knew that it is not ridiculous but amazing to meditate, to have a RSL bible etc. But I always felt kinda lonely on that path. But seeing all of your posts everyday makes me just feel like I am not alone but on the right path. And suddenly the world feels so much more open and kind. It’s beautiful.
DAY TWELVE: In your bag
I have yet to do this one… It has been a crazy few days! But I’m perpetually curious about what people carry around with them, so this was the perfect prompt for my voyeuristic tendencies!
I discovered that Anne has a handbag full of pink, Amy has enough lipstick and lip gloss for everyone, and Kate has a bag loaded up with crystals and cameras!
DAY THIRTEEN: No makeup selfie
Featuring the sweet faces of Lburanas, Luna, and Suzor. Aw!
Can I just say, I am so proud of you all for taking on this particular challenge with such gusto! I did it too, and it was not easy or fun. In fact, during my Radical Self Love Salon last weekend, one of the things we discussed was the idea of using make-up as a security blanket, and the issues around learning how to give it up. It can be tough, so it warms my heart to see so many of you doing it so splendidly.
DAY FOURTEEN: Get physical
This was a great day! I was thrilled to see so many pairs of colourful running shoes, bendy-flexy yoga babes, and sweaty happy faces. I picked these to share: Kate flexing, Lynsay leapfrogging around Glasgow, Alice getting her badass on with a crossbow (!!!), and Emily’s mode of transportation.
…And a very special mention goes to Emma for this bike-riding video!
In the words of Justin Timberlake for McDonald’s, I’m lovin’ it. And by the way, if you missed a day or forgot a prompt, don’t worry! You can catch up any time.
Keep up the amazing work!
Kisses forevs,