Revolution Pee-Wee Style Now!

I recently became aware that Tuesday the 28th of July is Paul Reubens Day! Oh the excitement! Paul Reubens is best known for the creation of his character Pee-Wee Herman. Well, that & being arrested for getting a little frisky in public!
Growing up in New Zealand, I missed out on the phenomenon that was Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, but luckily I managed to see the film Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure as a young child, which sparked a life-long love affair with the little lunatic! The movie was Tim Burton’s first feature-length film, & if you haven’t seen it, you should!
The show ended years ago, but there is light at the end of the tunnel…
“Paul Reubens confirmed in a January 2009 interview with Swindle magazine that there are indeed negotiations under way for the Pee-Wee Herman stage show to return. This would take place in either Las Vegas or New York.” (Wikipedia)
Paul Reubens Day happens in San Francisco every year, but I think it should be spread worldwide & brought to the global consciousness, don’t you? Who better to do that than an enthusiastic troupe of nonpareils? I ask you!

How can you celebrate Paul Reubens Day?
Design an elaborate breakfast-making machine…
Go to a drive-in movie…
Learn rad bicycle tricks…
Wear a red bow-tie…
Brush your teeth with a really big toothbrush…
Save puppies from a burning pet shop…
Visit Warner Brothers studios…
Go to the Alamo…
Draw on a widow’s peak…
Wear bunny slippers…
Hang out with some bikers…
“I say we kill him!” (YEAH!)
“I say we hang him, THEN we kill him!” (YEAH!)
“I say we scalp him!” (YEAH!) “Then we tattoo him!” (YEAH!) “THEN we hang him!” (YEAH!) “& THEN we kill him!” (YEAH!)
“I say we let him go!” (NO!)
Dance on a table in a bar…
Eat a really big bowl of cereal…
Dream about winning the Tour de France…
Have a bicycle race…
Go to a fortune teller…
Cut the tags off your mattress…
Hitch a ride with a truck driver…
Watch Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure…
Learn a magic trick…
Go to an adult theatre… (cough cough)
Or, OF COURSE, you could dress up in tribute & go out on the town!
I like to call this look The Evil Librarian. Brandish a long wooden ruler menacingly & practice your shushing!
Perfect for a low-key day: shopping for magic tricks, polishing your bicycle & fending off potential suitors by telling them you’re a loner… a rebel.
If I wore red, I would wear this outfit every day. Whattup britches?!
Pee-Wee Herman? Liza Minnelli? Pee-Wee Minelli? Liza Herman? Whatever you like. It’s all accepted here!

However you decide to celebrate Paul Reubens Day, I hope you have a wonderful day!