Style Tips — 12th October 2009

Here are some ideas to get you through the week. What do you have planned that you’re excited about? I am so so so thrilled about being back in my favourite city with my favourite man & my favourite dog! AHHHH!
Monday 12th October:
Wear more glitter! A bit of shimmer around the eyes, some crystals glued to your shoes or twinkling bracelets will all do the trick.
Tuesday 13th October:
Write LOVE on the wall to remind yourself constantly.
Wednesday 14th October:
Stick glow-in-the-dark stars all over your roof in the shape of the actual constellations. Lie on your back & stare at them when you’re falling asleep.
Thursday 15th October:
Buy a make-up manual (Kevyn Aucoin is a great place to start!), read it, learn from it, & practice all the time.
Friday 16th October:
Stop waiting for people to entertain you — generate your own joy!
Saturday 17th October:
Buy DVDs of your favourite comedians doing stand-up, & make a habit of watching at least one a week.
Sunday 18th October:
Eat Oreos with chopsticks. Yum yum!