Style Tips — 16th July 2008
Communicate. Fearlessly. Anyone who is worth it will make you feel good about doing so.
Wake up early, drink a big glass of orange juice, & watch as the city comes to life around you.
Learn how to fold paper planes. (Write wishes inside them.)
Stick confetti hearts all over your face. Leave the house.
When your favourite shops go into sale, go inside & make polite conversation with the people working there. Ask them when the sale started… then ask if the prices are going to drop any further. (Last week I went into Reiss, who were in sale, & pulled this stunt myself. The guy working there told me prices would drop by another 30-40% in the next 7 days!)
Dream up an alter-ego, a name & a faux-signature for yourself. Make it fabulous & dramatic.
Take photos of yourself next time you feel ecstatic, regardless of where you are or how goofy you look!
Make heart-shaped cookies.
Choose a magnificent colour of ink. Midnight blue? Shocking pink? Minty green? Stock up, & use only that from now on.
Take a nap.