The Blogcademy: London… In All Its Glory!

Illustration by Veronica Dearly!

This might be a #humblebrag, or it might just be a straight-up brag, but either way: with every Blogcademy, we just get better & better.

It helps to be in a beautiful venue, of course. We were overjoyed to be teaching in such a gorgeous space — Curtain Road Studios — & on the two days between classes, Tim Walker was in the very same room, shooting a campaign! (The temptation to “accidentally” leave something behind & walk in on him was extremely strong, I tell you! Such a fangirl!)

Oh, the weather outside was frightful, but our students were so delightful! It was snowing like mad, flights & trains were delayed all over the place, & yet — somehow! — everyone arrived on time. Now that’s dedication.

Our students thrilled & delighted us. One woman burst into joyous operatic song at lunchtime, & another found out she was pregnant during the break! (We tried to persuade her that the baby’s middle name should be Blogcademy… I’ll keep you posted!)

We had cupcakes (& a unicorn cake!) from Restoration Cake, disco dance breaks, & drinks & giggles at the end of day two. There were hugs & smiles, new friendships were formed, & many, many photographs were taken!

Oh, & you may have noticed the proliferation of EARS on our attendees! It’s pretty righteous, & it certainly makes taking a class photo way more fun! Yep, when it comes to Blogcademy, it’s strictly BYOE: bring yo’ own ears!

Our fabulous goodie bags were supplied by the aptly-named Awesome Merchandise, & they contained rings from Finest Imaginary, Thimble & Fred & Pugly Pixel; an “I have to Instagram this!” custom iPhone case also from Awesome Merchandise; a special Blogcademy Moleskine notebook from Finest Imaginary; a sparkly hair bow from Crown & Glory; our workbook/magazine; a glittery collar from Alexandra King; loose eyeshadow dust from Sugarpill; a CD of Photoshop actions from Lisa Devlin; & shoe clips from Headful of Feathers! As you can imagine, they were a huge hit!

We were able to “bamboozle ’em with branding!” (our new motto) with the help of INCREDIBLE cupcakes from Restoration Cake, as well as decor by The Tea Set & Peach Blossom, flowers from Hayford & Rhodes, & coffee cozies from Twinkie Chan! Babes, one & all!

I think I’ve decided that teaching is the ultimate high. Candidly sharing what you know, & seeing that flicker of recognition when one of your students just gets it, is one of the best feelings in the world.

It’s incredible how much we’re learning as headmistresses, too!

I’m absolutely loving having something completely new to sink my teeth into, to challenge myself with, to keep pushing, improving & refining until it’s the best it can be.

Illustration by Veronica Dearly!

But, well, I can only bleat on about how jolly wonderful it was for so long. Maybe it’s better to hear it in our students’ own words!

“Being a bit of a natural cynic, I was a little worried about spending a not-insubstantial chunk of money on a two day course. I need not have feared. This was, and I’m not exaggerating, the best money I have ever spent – an investment in my blog, yes, but much more importantly, in myself.”
Lucy Loves

“Thanks so, so much for the most fabulous kick-starter and stimulating week-end. My brain is completely buzzing and despite the joyful exhaustion, I think it will be difficult to sleep for all the ideas and ‘notes to self list’ that you have all given me.”
Liselle Chisenhale-Marsh

“Words like fabulous, inspirational, glittery, engaging and epic are all accurate descriptions of The Blogcademy but they do not come close to describing the life changing experience that came in the turquoise packaging.”
Georgina Webb

“Just being in the same room as Gala, Kat and Shauna makes you feel like you can do anything.”
Emily Fisher

“Something inside has clicked. I’ve done B-School, I’ve read numerous books & listened to countless voices, but the bringing together of like minded souls is something really special. So for now I just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the time, energy & love you put into Blogcademy. It truly feels like a gift that will keep on giving and one that will enable me to grow and pass on the gifts I have for the benefit of others.”
Jayne Rusby

“The Blogcademy truly was everything I thought it would be and more. The combination of your other-wordly, amazingly-over-the-top, Technicolor fabulousness and your savvy, straight-talking business nous was both inspiring and incredibly informative. Who says you can’t wear sparkly bunny ears and run a seriously kick-ass empire?!”
Caroline Gellatly

“Would love to tell all the bloggers out there who are writing in any other language than English that The Blogcademy’s awesomeness totally translates and that there is so much to learn, regardless of one’s language.”
Julia Safronova

“Well I have to say that it was officially the greatest weekend I’ve ever experienced! I have never in all my days, felt so inspired or excited in my life. My head is jam packed with ideas, my notebook is full and my head is now covered in sparkly bows and bunny-ears.”
Emma Rose Black

“Don’t be fooled by the pink sparkles and bunny ears, there’s nothing frivolous about The Blogcademy. Real business advice from three successful professional women who are doing it their way… in fabulous shoes.”
Scarlett Nymph

Illustration by Veronica Dearly!

Read some reviews! You can wear fluffy cat ears when you grow up Glitter bows and bunny ears galore! Blogcademy chit chat The Blogcademy London Blogcademy graduate review The Biggest, Bestest Bits of The Blogcademy Sparkles & Crumbs The Blogcademy London: Where Dreams Become Reality Confessions of a Blogcadet: Four Blogcademy Secrets Words from a sparkly Blogcademy graduate The Blogcademy Things I learnt at The Blogcademy (that weren’t technically on the curriculum) The week at The Blogcademy Dreaming Big – The Blogcademy in Photos What I learnt @ The Blogcademy The Blogcademy, the best dream I ever had The Blogcademy Tips for international bloggers Who needs university? What I learnt The Blogcademy The A-Z of The Blogcademy! …& watch some videos!




So, what’s next for The Blogcademy? We’ve packed up our poms & our enormous B balloons & we’re getting ready to TAKE OVER Portland & Los Angeles in two months time! We just secured a badass venue in each city, which we’ll be announcing on Monday… Stay tuned!

Kisses from your headmistress,

Gorgeous photographs by Shell De Mar (who I adore!)
Second class photo taken by Emily Quinton!
Illustrations doodled during class by Veronica Dearly!
(You should hire all of these beautiful, talented women!)