Things I Love Thursday & Carousel Double-Hit Combo!
Firstly, I want to send lots of love to those affected by the earthquake & tsunami in Japan. It’s so scary what is happening in the world right now, & I don’t know what it all means, but I’m wishing lots of love & light to everyone caught up in it. We are with you & we all are praying for your safety!
Secondly, yesterday I got a little too wrapped up in what I was doing, & so Things I Love Thursday didn’t get released on time! Here it is, combined with this week’s Carousel, for your viewing pleasure!
I am totally obsessed with pink & orange together! “This is your anthem” Having awesome eBay luck (definitely stocking up for spring/summer!) Working my way through the entirety of Sex & The City while Mike was out of town Greek salad (favourite!!!) Freak These Tales (“She liked to lick the Legends but she also loves the ladies”) Spending plenty of time at Betsey Johnson in Soho Apple wedges with almond butter Fluorescent pink satchels “Ooh, you taste good, like a bad girl should” The perfect patent leather platform mary jane This stingray Tribute YSL sandal (should be illegal!) Daylight saving starts on Sunday! “What, you’re on the other line?” “Yes, yes I am.” “Pork pie?” “Look, I gotta go.” “Tell him he needs mints.” Brunch at Veselka & walking around in the sunshine Rhinestone friendship bracelets by Frieda & Nellie Bad Romance nailpolish by Deborah Lippmann Taking Instax photos of my shoes Visiting Lumete HQ & coming home with rad sunglasses! Lovin’ on Mike & the dogs SUNSHINE !!! Re-doing my vision boards for spring! Hanging out in a bathtub with ears on Rango (it was so great!) Making plans for the future…
What’s on your list this week? Submit your Things I Love Thursday lists below!
I love this! Lodekka is a vintage store inside a double-decker bus!
How can a small-business owner go about laying the foundation for a corporate culture like Virgin’s? A piece by Sir Richard Branson.
How to be a Morning Goddess: the free goddessfesto!
Ask an Abortion Provider was written by someone who I am proud to be able to call my friend. It’s a game-changer… truly. I would go so far as to say that this should be essential reading for women as well as men. After I read it, I received this email from a girl, linking me to it. She said,
So recently I thought I might be pregnant. And it scared me. But interestingly, the thing that scared me the most was that I have always been pro-life, and somehow the first thing that popped into my head was “I should get an abortion”. Thankfully, I wasn’t pregnant and didn’t have to make that decision, but reading this opened my eyes to the idea that even if I did resort to getting an abortion, it would have been ok.
Want to improve your drawing skills? Check out Vanillery Garden!
I love reading about people’s radical self love journeys!
The Ultimate In-N-Out Secret Menu (and Super Secret Menu!) Survival Guide. Fear!
I thought this was really funny. Most people didn’t, though! A Mom Responds Before Crowding You Out of Your Local Coffeeshop/Bar.
Five ways to become a mermaid. Very important!
Nubby put together an excellent beginner’s guide to Paris. Essential reading if you have a trip in the plans!
& finally, autocorrect is dirty. Hahah!