Things I Love Thursday: Girls In Paris Edition!

Paris has been amazing!
Ever since our plane touched down at Charles de Gaulle, Paris put on the charm for us in a big way. We’ve had sunshine, extremely helpful concierges (we finally met the man I had been torturing via email, Olivier!), & smiles from everyone around us. I have so, so, so much to tell you, but it needs to wait until I have a proper amount of time to sit down & compose it all!
In the interim, here are just a few things I loved this week…
Shooting with Juliane Berry! On our very first day in Paris, Nubby & I spent hours running around Le Marais taking photos with très fabuleux photographe américain, Juliane Berry. She & I met online, & as soon as she heard we were coming to Paris, emailed & offered her services! It was such a wonderful way to start our trip, & we had the best time, running around & posing! I can’t wait to share more pictures!
Eating delightfully evil meals at every chance! Plate of cheese after dinner? WHY NOT? Huge carafe of wine? BRING IT ON! Pastries for breakfast? IT WOULD BE RUDE TO SAY NON! The whole thing has been a wonderful escape from our mostly healthy existence!
Manoush! Oh baby girl. I have stories to tell! Suffice to say, I definitely found my sartorial homeland (& what a homeland it is)!
Heading off to secret locations… As I write this, Nubby & I are 35,000 feet above France–but we’re not going home just yet! Where are we going, I hear you ask? You’ll just have to wait, ma petite!

Laughing with Nubby all the way to Paris–so good to travel with a rad friend! Getting work done in advance
Kind airline staff (with cute hats!)
Design inspiration (& mentally redesigning my site as we walked along the street)!
Suitcases packed with vintage dresses
Drilling Nubby on her French vocabulary & pronunciation every night (she now wakes up every morning & says a chirpy, “Parlez-vous anglais?”!!!)
A- to the mazing clothes (dyingggg to show you)
Unbelievable, almost-religious experiences at Fauchon
“I feel like Michael Jackson in Iowa!”
Beaucoup du chiens mignons
Digging for Euros to buy the aforementioned crêpes
Gobsmacking traffic patterns around the Arc de Triomphe
Almost getting run over by scooters multiple times in the quest for a good photo
Dropping the bread-basket (“Oh you didn’t like the bread? You don’t have to throw it away!”)
The word “menfolk”
Amazing mustard (MOUTARDE !!!) which almost made my head pop off
Sleepless delirium
Late-night Fashion TV marathons
Our enormous golden room key
Our planes & hotel room which all served double-duty as a location/sauna
“If I leave this window open, will a Frenchman climb inside?”
Eating sandwiches sitting in the road like an urchin
Marilyn Manson in the supermarché at 8am
“I’ve never been so glad to see a carton of Tropicana!”
Nubby’s cultural shame at patronising the new local Starbucks
2am hotel dance parties (“I love Fashion TV!”)
“Oh… are there any HASH-TAGS you should be using?!”
“…So that just goes to show, you never know who could be swinging.”
“I never really understood the word ‘loneliness’. As far as I was concerned, I was in an orgy with the sky & the ocean, & with nature.” — Björk
What are you in love with this week? Submit your link here! (Only TiLT lists, ladies & gentlemen–or they will be deleted! Whip-crack!)