Things I Love Thursday: I’m Leavin’ On A Jet-Plane… For New Zealand!
There’s so much to love this week! …There’s so much to love EVERY week! Here’s a run-down of some of the highlights of my last seven days!
Chicago! Yep, you already know about it, but it bears repeating: Chloe & I took a really, really quick trip (one night, two days) to Chicago last Friday & we had a blast! We’d never travelled together before & it was pretty much perfect! She is such a wonderful girl… Truly.
Girl hangouts! I love hanging out with the “laydeez”. Yesterday I got to see Angeliska for the first time in two (?!) years, as well as Mer, Molly & Kim. Angel split her dress getting out of a cab in too exuberant a fashion, & since we are perverts, she encouraged me to take an upskirt shot… (You can see me crouching in the mirror!) But we bought her turquoise lame hot-pants to help preserve her dignity! (“Pay fo’ yo’ panties!”) Borscht was supped & Crack Pie was devoured (what a terrifying photo!) & Instax pictures were taken, & then we went to Sephora to load up on sparkly eye-shadow & glittering lip gloss… FUN! I love my wild, weird women!
New Zealand excitement! Oui! C’est vrai! On Monday, I fly out to Auckland… The Herald wrote about it, even! Tourism NZ, bless their cotton wooly socks, are flying me down to the Antipodes for the trip of a lifetime! Pretty incredible. I’ll be attending New Zealand Fashion Week (first time!), gawping open-mouthed at World of Wearable Arts (again, first time!), kickin’ it in Nelson & flying down to Christchurch to do something very special.
I don’t get back to New York until the 12th of September — yeah! The day before my birthday! — so it’s a pretty long trip! Poor Mike probably feels like he married a nomad, but sometimes that’s just the way it goes… Don’t worry, I will send him sickly-sweet love notes every day that I’m away!
Anyway, if there’s anything you think I should do in NZ — shops I should visit, cafes I should stop into, art I should investigate, or whatever! — let me know! I haven’t been back in two years (!!!) so I need the scoop!
Shockingly good burgers at motorcycle shows Chocolate-covered gummy bears My brand spanking new Schott Perfecto (which I cannot WAIT to wear!) Australia’s Next Top Model (just started, SO GOOD, go Izzy!) “Electric coral” lace skirts Talking about how much we both love Janet Jackson with Chloe! Urban Decay eye-shadow (it is incredible) Perfect weather all week (though we have a hurricane heading towards us so, um, knock on wood!) Breaking in my new kicks Laughing about Mrs. Doubtfire first thing in the morning Art Official Intelligence: Bionix = best album everrrrrrrr~ “When you leave your job, you find your work” — KRS-One DANCING with Mike at a motorcycle show on Sunday! He spun me around & E’RYTHING! Cute. Cuuuuuuuute! Watching Ghostbusters 2 in bed (“A chilllllld!”) Being married to the best man on the planet! YEAH!