Things I Love Thursday: Midwest Is Best!

Happy 4th of July! If you’re in the USA, I hope you have something awesome planned for your day. I plan to spend a huge chunk of my day writing, which I’m really excited about. Not working for two weeks has me picking up a pen with major enthusiasm! We’re going out to watch the fireworks tonight, which I always love. That snap crackle and pop of exploding colour makes me so happy!
On Monday night, I got back into NYC after my way too short trip to Minneapolis. Four days was certainly not long enough! Shauna, Kat and I had the best time: it’s so much fun to visit a place that none of you have been to before. We had no idea what to expect, and everything was an adventure.
As soon as we arrived and set down our bags, we headed out to Lake Minnetonka to float around on a pontoon…
We drank Sofia sparkling wine, watched our new friends jump off the side of the boat, and spent a little time in a restaurant that felt the setting of a 1980’s romantic comedy. (The people-watching was THE BEST!)
Definitely a highlight of our trip!
The next day, we enjoyed a hearty dose of sunshine while we explored uptown, and then we spent the weekend teaching a gaggle of Midwestern babes at The Blogcademy. And don’t worry: we were able to go out and celebrate Pride, too! (It was fantastic.)

I’m kind of a little bit in love with Minneapolis. Like I said, I wish we’d been able to spend more time there… But that’s okay, it gives me something to look forward to!
Back in NYC, Kat and I spent our last day together, and we made the most of it, strolling along Fifth Avenue to overspend at Henri Bendel and try on insane shoes at Saks. After a quick stop at the Kate Spade flagship, we hopped in a cab and crossed the park to meet Naomi for Levain cookies and a date in Central Park. She is so beyond cute!
Then, at 4.30am on Wednesday morning, I crawled out of bed to help Kat with her suitcase and bid her a sad goodbye. Boo! Now it’s time to get back into the swing of things…
J’adore… Tiki bars where they play Marilyn Manson and The Beegees Pontoons and Lake Minnetonka
Talking about Prince all the time
Deep-fried cheese curds
Getting to see so many people I know in Minneapolis!
Lounging on giant velvet couches
Champagne being poured off balconies at Pride
Spyhouse Coffee
Rainbow walls, bridges, and everything else!
Having the best travelling companions ever
Laughing until tears streamed down my face
Playing with sparklers
Great DJs
Constant brainstorming with my two favourite babes
Exploring a new city and loving it
Feeling inspired and motivated
Deborah Lippmann’s Across The Universe nailpolish (I’m giving my sore nails a break from gel!)
Our gracious hosts, Jake and Katherine (love love love)
Organising my office
Listening to Doggystyle first thing in the morning
Going back to the gym after a week off, and getting my ass well and truly kicked!

Your gratitude prompt: When’s the last time you laughed until you cried? For me, it was Sunday night, with five of us doubled over around a table at a Thai restaurant. I actually laughed so hard I had to close my eyes because I just couldn’t take it anymore! How about you? (You can tell me here!)
I love you,