Things I Love Thursday: Moons And Junes And Ferris Wheels…

NYC is a far cry from Disneyland right now… We’re bracing for a storm! This morning, I put Dolly into her black skull and crossbones sweater, and walked her around the East Village amid light snow flurries. We’re being promised a doozy, but you never really know what it’ll be like until it hits.
Having said that, there’s something exciting about knowing that tomorrow morning, the view from your bedroom window will look completely different!
I’m really hankering for some warm weather, though. I leave for my West Coast adventure in 19 days, and I keep checking the temperatures in L.A. They make me smile! I am such a confirmed Yelp addict, so I’ve been scouting the best juice and raw food places around where we’re staying in Hollywood… I’m makin’ lists, and checkin’ ’em twice! Can’t wait to share my discoveries with you afterwards.
More love: Hole’s Pretty On The Inside album (so underrated) Magical packages from Catbird
Dusty pink tulips
Mermaid sea salt spray in my hair
Red carpet preparations!
The selection of vintage dresses on Etsy. I mean, they really are fantastic
My brand spanking new polka-dot jeans (LOVE)
Thinking about Disneyland!
Making a Blogcademy-inspired treasury on Etsy!
The Flatiron building
Perfectly ripe avocados with sea salt & cayenne pepper
Learning that fangsmiths exist (people who make fangs, you know?!)
The new season at Kate Spade… OH YES!
Burning vanilla candles while I write
Gifts in the mail (Haley sent me Llewellyn’s 2013 Magical Almanac this week! Thank you, babe!)
Working our way through the second season of New Girl (one of my favourite shows of all time)
Finding an amazing new venue for our Los Angeles Blogcademy class (check THIS out!)
Eating lots of seaweed (do you think it’s possible to eat too much seaweed?)
…And if you want something to make you smile, this is still one of my favourite things on Youtube. Aw. Heart flutters!
With gratitude,