Things I Love Thursday: My Birthday!

It’s my birthday! Hooray! I’m 29 today. (Too old for ears? NEVER!)
Right now I’m listening to Paris Hilton’s Paris album — seriously underrated, & definitely good time music! — & getting ready for my day. I’m not having a party this year (for the first time in ages); instead, I’m spending the night with my family, taking some time to think about how very blessed I am, & be thankful.
In some ways, I think Facebook is silly… But in others, it’s amazing. I have received hundreds of birthday wishes from all kinds of people, & it touches my heart. The best thing is seeing the names of women who I have been communicating with online for YEARS. It means so much to me that you are still here with me on this journey, still reading, & still interested.
I love you so much more than you could possibly imagine!

Dressed like a demented disco ball bunny for Fashion’s Night Out Warm chocolate bread pudding from Dessert Truck (OMG)
Hooded dresses
Midnight phone conversations
Bright pink lipstick
Looking forward to visiting New Orleans with my babe on Tuesday!
My best friend from high school telling me she is coming to NYC in May for THREE MONTHS!
Watching Celebrity Rehab (weird, I know, but Heidi Fleiss is infinitely fascinating to me!)
Hot chocolate with Jess
Wandering around the Highline — it’s glorious, I can’t believe it took me so long to go!
Wearing leather bunny ears & a sequin backpack in Chelsea
Taking polaroids with Adam
Putting aforementioned ears on Emily (CUTIE)
Lovely crisp mornings
Talking Kat, Nubby & Lisa into going to Burning Man… HA!
Making plans with Sandra (I have loved her blog for such a long time!)
Neon pink knickers
Striped cropped sweaters
Eating Mexican food in a park
Sparkling rosé
Obsessing over Jonathan Adler couches
Counting down the days to The Blogcademy!
Bejewelled sunglasses
Putting together my new style direction
Sequins in water
My husband, Hank & Dolly, & all the people I am privileged enough to call my friends!
Have a fantastic day… You are beautiful!