Things I Love Thursday: Palm Springs On Acid Chic!

It has been the longest day ever, in the best possible way! Kat got into New York City last night, and would you believe we were both awake and raring to go at 5.30am?! I guess jet lag is optional when you’re psyched!
We spent the day roaming Soho, doing more than a little damage and getting up to all kinds of mischief. Plus: Instagram Video! How fun is that?! (Just go to the App Store and update your version to get the new feature!)
Shauna arrives bright and early tomorrow morning, and we have another big day ahead of us, reviewing our notes, decorating the venue and catching up on the latest Vanilla Ice trivia! (All equally important tasks, I assure you.) We absolutely can’t wait to kick off The Blogcademy: NYC this weekend… And if you’ve been on the fence, don’t be shy! We’d love to have you, and it’s going to be WICKED fun.
My office has been undergoing intense construction all week, and tomorrow it’ll be time for a final lick of paint. I have so many ideas for how to redecorate, I don’t know how to choose just one! I keep thinking, What would Antonio Ballatore do? In other words, I am going for psychedelic chic, and plenty of pink. Perfect.

On Monday afternoon, I met my neighbour — and newest girl crush — Gabby Bernstein for juice and kelp noodles. If you don’t know who she is, Gabby is a spiritual leader and happiness guru who writes eye-opening books and shares her own journey online. We clicked instantly, and I went home feeling super-uplifted and inspired. Now that we’ve been pulled into one another’s orbit, I just know that fantastic things are coming. You should definitely check out her stuff!

J’adore… Rediscovering Tings — I forgot all about them! J. Cole’s Born Sinner and Yeezus
May Cause Miracles
Gettin’ ready for our NYC class!
This hot pink velvet tufted ROUND bed… It’s only $25,000! A bargain at twice the price! (Ha!)
Veronica Varlow’s Blogcademy recap
Palm Springs on acid chic
Shopping itineraries
My Digby & Iona Roosevelt flip ring (so cool)
Reading George Lois and grinning from page to page
These sweet as pie dolls from Momiji!
Guinea Pig armour
And this excerpt from an email I received recently…
“You have taught me that it is okay to have many different kinds of feelings; that our bodies work best when we love and respect them; that we feel the best when we love and respect ourselves. You’ve also taught me that life is about enjoying the things that you love and being with the people that you care about. A combination of all of those ingredients enables us to proceed to share our best selves with the world; creating and sharing and loving and making a real difference. … Last year, I had ‘satis sum’ tattooed on my hip – a Latin phrase meaning ‘I am enough.’ I haven’t regretted it once, and I have you to thank.”
Re-reading that gives me goosebumps all over my body. Thank you, Rebecca, from the bottom of my sparkly heart!
Your gratitude prompt: What have you done recently that made you blush with pride? You don’t have to climb Mt Everest to feel that you’ve achieved something; for some of us, talking to our crush or even saying no to our demanding boss can be a major triumph. Think about it and write it down… I’d love to hear all about it!
You are a babe,