Things I Love Thursday
I have lots of love today, hold tight baby!
Big boxes from ModCloth; Tumblr (it is like an inspiration machine, I go browsing & lose hours & make notes); the word “splendid”; watching Hackers while working; The High Heeled Guide To Enlightenment (I received it in the mail the other day & read a couple of chapters while I was having my hair done — it is SO FASCINATING, especially the chapters on Kabbalah & Shamanism!); friends who call me with exciting opportunities; shopping for slightly terrifying items with my mother (I am staying quiet on this one! For now!); circlets (“Former Queens Consort whose husbands had died sometimes only wore their consort crowns as circlets after their husbands’ death” from Wikipedia — also because I just bought a rad headband-cum-circlet thing which I plan on wearing very, very often); the vampire face emotion >:[ !!!; booking plane tickets (v. satisfying); miniature feathered headdresses; marking things off with my pink highlighter (nerd-o-rama); good headphones; watching new episodes of Greek in bed with the electric blanket on; the fact that Air New Zealand’s safety messages were filmed with their crew naked & their uniforms painted on (we do things differently in NZ, troof); flying up the North Island as the sun rises on my right; crazy tumultuous weather (non-stop hail for 3 days?!); thinking about sleeping (I haven’t been doing much of it!); anyone for whom mediocre is not good enough; writing on planes; being charming (a little bit goes a long way, NEVER underestimate the power!); taking photobooth pictures in Auckland (you have to do it whenever you have the opportunity); my Fauxbiagas which still bring me so much joy every time I wear them; my friends, who are eternally supportive; cosy scarves; sending out love all the time, no matter how ridiculous things get; befriending nervous people in queues; orange juice; MAC Cosmetics & turquoise sunglasses.
…But mostly I am excited to
a) have my (!!! 3 year !!!) visa for the United States — for which I flew up to Auckland this morning (!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!), &
b) have new hair!

HOLLA! It was time for a change! We didn’t know if all the pink would come down but it would. Amazing! There are teeny little pieces of super-light pink, making my hair look kinda like coconut ice! Haha, I love it!

Also, I want to give my hairdresser in Wellington some props. I go to this tiny little place called Modz Hair Company in Eastbourne, which is totally unassuming but my hairdresser is rad & loves a challenge! When I’m here, he always does my hair, & he does a great job for a super-reasonable price. (My cut & colour was $110NZ, & I was there for 4 hours!) So if you want a recommendation for good hair in Wellington, you just got it.
This time next week I will be back in New York City. OH HELL YES. Right now I am in a coffeeshop in Auckland, listening to Hall & Oates on my headphones, yay. I’m flying back to Wellington in a couple of hours, & then I start on Operation: Suitcase which involves going through the four bulging suitcases in my room, sorting, trying out, washing, pondering, etc. Oh le madness!
Also, it occurs to me that Things I Love Thursday has a theme song! All You Need Is Love by The Beatles!
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
It’s your turn, yummyface! Lay it on thick! Listen to the song as you write your list! Love, love, love… Love, love, love…