Things I Love Thursday

How appropriate! It is Thursday & it is also Thanksgiving! Isn’t it wonderful that we (as in you & me, baby!) say thank you every week?! YES! I’ve been sitting here all morning gawking at the Thanksgiving parade on telly & being amazed by the scope. It’s madness!
So here are things I love this week…
Thanksgiving! Yay! This is my very first Thanksgiving! I’m spending it at home with my newwwwww family, consisting of The Dish & Hank Williams, & The Dish is deadset on making it amazing for me. I am so impressed by The Dish’s turkey-making prowess. He has been cooking for two days! He also sings songs about me while he cooks, he is my favourite musician bar none. Hee. I have been sitting in the living room, cuddling (read: restraining) Hank & watching the magic go down in the kitchen. (I am not allowed to be involved, I am a walking kitchen disaster & that is just fine by me!) Our whole apartment smells incredible, I am sooooo excited (& hungry)!
MAC Cosmetics always. So, a few points. MAC Studio Sculpt Foundation = holy grail foundation? Peut-ĂȘtre, peut-ĂȘtre! It applies beautifully & looks super-natural. It’s a little bit glowy & best applied with the fingers. They don’t sell it in most stores but you can buy it on eBay… Additionally, their Prep & Prime Transparent Finishing Powder is BRILLIANT to the max, their Christmas brush sets are out of this world (I just bought the Do-The-Trick Buff & Line brush set, it was $49 & each brush is about $30 each so you do the math, DO THE MATH!!!), & their MV2 fragrance still makes me dribble out of the corners of my mouth. I know, not the most beautiful image, but you get my drift, right?!
MEN PEOPLE. Best! I love gingerbread more than you could possibly imagine. Especially with sprinkly crunchy sugar on top. Yumbo.
P.O.S. Also best! We befriended a tiny Chinese man yesterday with very few teeth, it was amazing. & I bought this t-shirt at his show on Tuesday night (yes, in a men’s small because I hate girl-cut t-shirts!), it is awesome. I am actually wearing it right at this very moment.

Honourable mentions: Mushroom, truffle oil & speck pizza (you have no idea, I ate the entire pie, it was radtastic); chewy chocolate chip cookies; cleaning up my office; buying myself Christmas presents; this picture (it makes me sooooo happy, I want a big straight version to set as my wallpaper & maybe to print out & hang on my wall, can someone clever make one?!); watching the Yo Gabba Gabba float in the Thanksgiving parade & laughing because I always remember how the first time we saw the show, The Dish said, “This is how I imagine the inside of your head is all the time”; my I Am Not a Paper Cup which is so beautiful as well as practical & keeps my soy latte piping hot & geez I love it; making time to curl up on the couch & read; Verizon + iPhone in January (oooooooooh yeah); huge boxes arriving at the house; Gangsta Love; obsessively researching over-the-knee boots online (nicest so far, I reckon); new make-up brushes; stacks of books; intense dreamies; that ridiculous American Express ad which is full of inanimate faces!!!; “His face looks like a foot” “I’m going to be thinking about that all day”; watching The National Dog Show, it is so weird & funny; French bulldogs (gremlin face, Bat Boy ears!); stretching; deep sleep; having my chart done by Christopher from SoulGarden (it was A++++++++); looking forward to seeing Molly, Lola & Star this weekend, & as always, my lush boyf (phrasing totally to blame on many of my formative years spent reading Dolly & Girlfriend magazines), who is so much fun to go out with, & just as much fun to stay in with.
“A better world has gotta start somewhere. Why not with you & me?” — Tom Robbins
Happy Thanksgiving, Americans, & happy Thursday/Friday everyone else!