Things I Love Thursday
Making the most of Cyber Monday — So, on Monday night, I was just idly doing some mattress research, & I just HAPPENED to come across this amazing queen-sized memory foam mattress which was $1900 OFF, & so I just HAPPENED to add it to my shopping cart. I also HAPPENED to notice that this rad duvet set was way cheap… & finally, I HAPPENED to notice that the subscription prices for Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, Playboy & Teen Vogue had been slashed. So I subscribed. Most excellent. I really wasn’t planning on taking part in any of the post-Thanksgiving madness, but well, I actually did need those things (NEED!), & I have an itchy mouse finger sometimes.
I also want to take a moment to discuss memory foam. Let’s journey back, way back, to 2008, & the Virgo Birthday Extravaganza. Remember?! & see that last photo? Oh geez I’ll repost it here.

So at the end of the night, Nubby & I crashed out in this enormous (I do mean enormous) Tempur-Pedic bed at the Hotel On Rivington & it was the best sleep I have ever had. I have been thinking about it intermittently since then. The kicker? Tempur-Pedic beds are about a zillion dollars. (Tiny exaggeration.) But I’ve been doing all this research & people seem to think that good memory foam beds are just as good, & if not, pretty damn close. Long story short, I am eagerly waiting for it, & I sure hope the UPS guy will lug it up the stairs for me! I will let you know how I get on!
Planning 2010 in a frenzied manner! I have this oversized Moleskine (I have written about it many a time) & it has become a bit of an all-purpose book. I am actually using it as a mousepad at the moment, god I really need a proper mousepad! Anyway! I am using that for planning my upcoming year. Whenever I have a brilliant thought (chortle), I flip it open & scrawl it down on the 2010 page, & soon (soon!) I will organise it into actionable lists, broken-down tasks etc. with check-boxes. WORD UP.
Fun on Park Avenue! I went uptown for a meeting today which was VERY promising… When you get to see the result, you will be as excited as me! I also love Park Avenue because when you dress in a ridiculous manner (as I often do) you can just about see people’s minds exploding. Additionally, there was a piano player in the lobby of the building I went to today, pounding out merry renditions of Christmas tunes for… the security guard. Who looked like he was pretty into it, actually. Cute to the power of a trillion.
Prince Edward!!! I am in love with this dog. I know he would end up huge & would destroy the house, & one 60lb pitbull is definitely enough especially given he sleeps in the bed with us & having two dogs in the bed would be like trying to sleep on a schoolbus, or something, but I LOVE HIM. I just keep thinking he probably has big velvetty chocolate brown paws, & it is all very endearing. Oh Prince Edward, I hope you find a home soon.
Honourable mentions: Le Dish, Le Dish, Le Dish, I love you; Q-Tip’s The Renaissance; turkey pot pie made from scratch by my lover; OPI designer series (I just bought Exclusive, Elegance, Extravagance & Mystery) — sparkly fingernails forever!; Baby By Me (have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire); Chanel Iman; reading makeup manuals & trying new things; The Dish singing songs about gravy; the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (so much fun & definite gym motivation); speaking of which, these knickers!!! (HELLO FLOWER-BUTT!); & also, I love my gym; unicorn soft toys; gold & pink Ganesha statues; big lumps of crystal; glitter letters; Molly Crabapple & Oh Chloe; obsessively looking for armchairs & love seats; getting excited about the hip hop karaoke championships (I am so there); Luis Tovar’s “The Best Songs of the Decade” pmaCASTs!; my rainbow maker (seriously it makes me so happy); wig shopping (& subsequent purchases); mustard (always); Ace Of Cakes; buying big stacks of magazines & lugging them around; long walks; nap-time; secret planning; the new Rihanna album, & perusing Christmas ornaments! Oh! & I really really want to go & see the huge tree at Rockefeller Center! A lot. There will be pictures.
“It’s all like a dream. Everything is ecstasy, inside. We just don’t know it because of our thinking-minds. But in our true blissful essence of mind is known that everything is alright
forever & forever & forever. Close your eyes, let your hands
& nerve-ends drop, stop breathing for 3 seconds, listen to the silence inside the illusion of the world, & you will remember the lesson you forgot, which was taught in immense milky way soft cloud innumerable worlds long ago & not even at all. It is all one vast awakened thing. I call it the golden eternity. It is perfect.” — Jack Kerouac
Okay, as always, it is your turn!
Oh, &, colour & activity book BONUS QUESTION! Do you believe in soulmates & what does the word mean to you? I am v. curious as to your thoughts.