Things I Love Thursday

Whoah! A day late! Hope you have been holding onto your love so you can share it… Here is my list for the week!
Working on Love & Sequins #9! I’m really enjoying it & I’m so excited about releasing it. I am almost done, have only a few thousand more words to go, then need to record it & send it out. There is something so fantastically satisfying about writing a really long piece, refining it, editing it & polishing it. Watching it come together.
Meeting fantastic new people who you instantly click with & can collaborate with creatively. I had the best coffee date yesterday & it made me feel so good!
Working out (still!) — Firstly, this is the longest time I have consistently worked out, ever. I’ve been seeing my trainer for 14 weeks now! Previously I have worked out in fits & starts, getting really into it & then putting it off, then starting again months later, but it feels SO GOOD to have exercise as part of my routine. Plus, I love my gym (yesterday they were doing free spray tans) & my trainer. I am so much stronger & feel so much better about my body!

Strange goodie bags! I went to an event for the HTC Droid Incredible yesterday, & they gave me a goodie bag. I sometimes wish I put gift bags together for a living because they can be so delightfully weird! This one contained: Revlon red lipstick, Essie red nailpolish, a red stiletto cellphone charm, a packet of Big Red gum, a tin of rosebud salve, a big red flower hair accessory, a miniature bottle of Smirnoff, a miniature bottle of Absolut & a jar of maraschino cherries! What! I love it!
My Filofax. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. Okay, I know I have always been a Moleskine diehard, & I felt like a traitor (seriously!) for even thinking about getting a Filofax, but HONESTLY I will NEVER go back. I am totally, 100%, head over heels in love with my Filofax. I have customised the hell out of it, it is bright raspberry pink & it is my new favourite thing. I’m going to do a post about it & how I’ve been using it soon, so you can see! It blows Moleskine out of the water. Sorry, Moleskine. I love you Filofax! TEAM FILOFAX!

Miniature bliss explosions: Um… pulled pork sandwiches made by the dudes from BBQ Pitmasters?!; The Hold Steady‘s Heaven Is Whenever (I would add, there are few things more exciting than a new album by an artist you adore); getting great deals on Gilt (my sandals are falling apart so I bought these to replace them — they have a hidden wedge & were $59!); listening to Shackleton while I write; doing a Twitter interview for the Emerging Writers Festival about my favourite books (check my Twitter page to see it!); rooftop gardens; alcoholic icy push-pops; the dress I’m wearing in these black & white photos (it is the Betsey Johnson Poplin Sheath Dress); walking massive distances while talking on the phone; THE DISH (he has been extra-funny & cool & cute & wonderful this week); the fact that this time next week I will be in Las Vegas!; taking Hank in to meet my hairdresser (he is the most popular dog ever, people just gravitate to him!); 16 Handles (WHOAH, just went there for the first time yesterday & almost died of happiness!); scouring Etsy for vintage dresses; making summer mixtapes in my head as I walk around the city; Kris Carr, who said, “Look for a sign about a decision you need to make today. There are feathers, spiritual billboards & angelic UPS men all around you”, & looking forward to spending some quality time at the Hotel Chelsea this weekend! YES!!! (Taking my own advice!)
God this Hold Steady album is great. Go get it now!
What punctuated your life with fireworks this week?