Things I Love Thursday


It’s just a quickie this week, as I’m running around like a madwoman putting the final touches on Love & Sequins #10! (Oh, what a gal was Quickie!) Here’s my lil’ list of LURVE!

All my lovin’!(I will give to yoooooou!)

Huge Lips Skinny Hips lip gloss (satin smooth & plump deliciousness!); limited edition Betsey Johnson on eBay; Paris Hilton’s album (yes); more sparkles all the time; making plans with photographers; my new black straw bowler hat (I love it!); Dolly Darling making weird ewok noises while she dreams; Steve Mason’s Lost & Found — WAY too good (he’s the vocalist for the Beta Band!); working out really really really hard; iced soy lattes; working from bed with two slumbering puppies for company; Tom Waits; looking forward to autumn (I KNOW! After all my grumbling about the cold weather! But c’mon! I am all about blazers, cardigans, stockings… Yes please!); Francesca Lia Block posting on Facebook “looking for an experienced young actress to play weetzie” (hello, dream come true!); by the way, if you’re going to be in L.A., come to the reading of Weetzie Bat the screenplay (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus you will get to see me FAN OUT like crazy over Ms Block herself); Prince’s new single, Sticky Like Glue (yeeeeah!); major excitement about seeing a huge handful of my favourite girls in two weeks time!; Disneyland’s World Of Color (oh you BETTER BELIEVE we’re going!); In-N-Out burger (mmmm); “Blame it on that life you don’t live, but shit-talking says more about you than me kid”; looking forward to getting new hair this afternoon (yay!); gold eyeshadow; Molly’s bad influenceness; Nina Garcia’s Look Book (I was just sent a review copy & it’s fantastic!); bright pink trackpants from Victoria’s Secret (YES I DID); peanut butter & jelly chocolate bars; my friend who lit a fire under my ass & The Dish for amplifying it; the application on my Droid; the reproduction 1950s payphone sitting on my desk (P.S. It’s pink!); sweet voicemail from nonpareils; sleeping in the air-conditioning; my lover.

“The road to positivity is strewn with the abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted.”(Peter McWilliams)

What’s on your LOVE LIST this week?!

P.S. If you clicked LIKE on the Gala Darling Facebook page, the winners are being announced at noon! Be sure to check if you were one of the lucky winners! (There is also going to be a special surprise announced at the same time… so be sure to join us there!)